The guy who's telling the most inappropriate jokes at the most unconvenient time
— f__kyeahhamburg Report User
South africa represent 5 comments
· 4 years ago
The most successful African American is white. Nuff said.
Naughty homesick Grasshopper 12 comments
This old lego guy I found 16 comments
I’ll throw up over myself before doing this 4 comments
Doesn’t matter, still ate it 11 comments
'Tis the natural order of things 38 comments
· 4 years ago
I once was the only German working on an aircraft together with non-german speaking French and Swedish mechanics and when I started swearing at the problem in front of me, people started backing up slowly and considerably worried about their physical health.
Airbus A380 approaching like a Mother Ship 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I have been lucky in being involved in the A380 production from day 1.
Now I'm in the unlucky position where I have to be part of bringing this major project in aviation to an end.
Now I'm in the unlucky position where I have to be part of bringing this major project in aviation to an end.
Plants have feelings too! 4 comments
Take that sun!! 1 comments
Australian prisoners of war enjoying tea after releasing from Japanese captivity at the 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Like, putting people into cages without trial, or even evidence, interrogations under pain and psychological stress, torture and humiliation, Boy those people need to be hated so much!
Everyting that's inside a car of the Dutch Royal Landforce 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I was about to question the sense of mannequins in a military vehicle, but no I'll go with yours.
Anon doesn't believe in paranormal 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Most funny thing is when they are in German or French castles and are speaking English to the "ghosts".
Funsubbers giving financial advice 19 comments
· 4 years ago
Well that advice rather comes from Charly the unicorn, but ok
Edited 4 years ago
How much apple spritzer did I drink lately? 3 comments
maximum 1 comments
Nostalgiavember Day 22 - Aladdin 5 comments
· 4 years ago
In my times, Aladin was called Prince of Persia
Edited 4 years ago
Massive protests in Warsaw, Poland after the government bans abortion 2 comments
· 4 years ago
This happens when a government gets to power with the help of the catholic church. They dictate laws no matter if they are in the will of the people.
What’s your very first thought about this ?? 15 comments
· 4 years ago
It is, those are wider at the bottom than on the top so they squeezed it into the long ladder