For the God Emperor of Mankind, we will HOLD THE LINE!
— Felixo77 Report User
Direful zonked usable 1 comments
· 41 weeks ago
Was is definitely the key word here...
First pig-to-human heart transplant was successful 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Fun fact, yes! We know from cannibals that humans taste like sweet pork. Hence the term Long Pig to refer to human meat.
Now you know 3 comments
I’m so confused 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Infinite is not the same as all encompassing. For example, there's an infinite number of distinct decimals between 1 and 2, (1.1, 1.68, 1.9026481, etc) but none of them are 3.
Hey, I know what we’re gonna do today 6 comments
Weird Wednesday - That's No Ordinary Rabbit 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Fun fact, most herbivores are opportunistic carnivores. In other words, while they won't go hunting, if the opportunity to eat meat is presented, they won't turn it down. For example, if a cow or deer finds a stranded baby bird in the grass, they will absolutely eat it.
Find out how broken you are 8 comments
Like cmon its not that hard 3 comments
· 2 years ago
There's two episodes I can recall in which the boys get busted. The first is Season 1 Episode 45 which results is Phineas and Ferb being sent to military school. This is eventually revealed to be a dream sequence.
The second is Season 2 Episode 25 in which time travel shenanigans lead to Doofenschmirtz ruling the future and fun/creativity being banned by parents.
Edited 2 years ago
The second is Season 2 Episode 25 in which time travel shenanigans lead to Doofenschmirtz ruling the future and fun/creativity being banned by parents.
The original Black Friday 8 comments
· 2 years ago
Black "Day" has been a slang term for any day of tragedy or economic stress since the 17th century. The first widespread recorded use of "Black Friday" was to describe a crash of the U.S. gold market in 1869.
The use of Black Friday to describe the day after Thanksgiving began in Philadelphia in the early 1950s, used by the local please to describe the crowds and traffic congestion.
Edited 2 years ago
The use of Black Friday to describe the day after Thanksgiving began in Philadelphia in the early 1950s, used by the local please to describe the crowds and traffic congestion.
The original Black Friday 8 comments
Do you smell burning 1 comments
· 2 years ago
So fun fact, the breaker doesn't actually care if the switch is held to on, it will still trip.
Tis' the season 2 comments
· 2 years ago
That song was written about the singer's dad dying when he was a kid. He also doesn't appreciate people making light of it each year.
Everything is a paradox 20 comments
· 2 years ago
Just because a set of things is infinite does not mean it is all encompassing. For example, there is an infinite number of distinct digits between 1 and 2 (1.1, 1.2, 1.21, etc.) But none of them are 3.
Or Crude Oil? Which one? 6 comments
· 2 years ago
Because we call it Gasoline. Fun fact, so do the Canadians, Spanish, and Portuguese.
the theory you never imagined 2 comments
Oh noes .. 3 comments
· 3 years ago
It's a jack stand, used when you need to hold a vehicle off the ground for an extended period of time. By the fact it's rusted away that "extended period of time" went on for much longer than it should have.