

For the God Emperor of Mankind, we will HOLD THE LINE!

— Felixo77 Report User
Florida, the professionals. 16 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Then by that logic the majority didn't vote for Hillary either, as the majority of the nation didn't vote. However fine, I'll rephrase my statement. The majority of voters in the majority of states voted for Trump.
Florida, the professionals. 16 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
The majority in the majority of states voted for Trump.
Trick-or-treat 18 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
It's not their fault however it is their responsibility to handle themselves (or for their parents to handle.)
Oh Pokemon 48 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
If a game asking if you're a boy or a girl is enough to make you angry then you seriously need to reevaluate your life.
Wage gap 15 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Got any actual proof of that guest?
Honestly?! 12 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
If that's what he's worth to his employer and people are willing to pay the employer enough to support his salary it doesn't really matter what you think. You don't get to decide that someone makes to much.
Even with all those bad news on tv, we never were a more peaceful species 15 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
You realise our food production growth rate has massively outstripped world population growth since the end of the 18th century right?
american geography 28 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
You're off by a factor of one hundred lol. Try 324 million and growing.
8 · Edited 7 years ago
Well, there's always Mark Watney to keep it company 18 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Just to make this even sadder; the curiosity rover sings happy birthday to itself every year.
Who's offending who 70 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
If you're "hurt" by a t-shirt than the t-shirt is the absolute least of your problems. No one cares if your feelings were hurt by something.
How to get destroyed 101 31 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
What a surprise, fsuser is racist against whites. Please just go back to tumblr.
Dont give up on your dreams 5 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
You're right. Fixed and thank you.
Dont give up on your dreams 5 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Well he definitely won't be if he keeps dressing as a walrus*.
*Thank you mialinay for correcting me.
7 · Edited 7 years ago
Is this true? 31 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Actual psychologists would never say anything this simple, concise, and/or without stipulation.
Well they do have a point 23 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Except this is fundamentally flawed. Time does exist. It is a dimension just as length width and height are. Clocks were created to measure the progress of time just as rulers were created to measure an edge. Upon waking up are you not aware that time has passed even if you do not know exactly how long?
Pikachuuuu 7 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
I actually managed to accidently get pikachu as my starter by being in a moving car when i first started the game. Here's an article explaining the process.
Injustice on the other side 21 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
You got a source on that "stat" guest? Because i have one here showing why it's extremely misleading and that it only states that between 2-8% of rape accusations are demonstrably false. However almost half do not actually proceed to courts do to lack of evidence, the accuser not cooperating with the investigation, or the event in question not actually meeting the standards of assault. In fact only a third of rape accusations actually go to trial. That's a cold comfort for those accused however, as their names have already been destroyed, their reputations dragged through the mud. That is the only "rape culture" that exists in the weatern world despite what you would have us believe.
Critisize 14 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Voltaire never said this, a white supremacist and pedophile named Kevin Strom.
(I actually have no idea what this means) 10 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
The U.S. covers 9 time zones, 4 across the contiguous states going, from east to west, Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific. Hawaii and Alaska each have their own time zone and the remaining 3 cover our territories. As shows are broadcasted simultaneously across the entire of the U.S. it is easier for companies to merely state times based upon the most populous Eastern time zone with the central time added on as a reminder. So when they say 8/7c it means 8 o'clock Eastern Time, 7 o'clock Central time. From there anyone watching can easily determine their own respective start time.
This source also has a map showing the time zones.
16 · Edited 7 years ago
Does this trigger you 22 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
"If you change the words, it says something completely different."
34 · Edited 7 years ago
He will never go back. 12 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
My mistake, he does die in the books, however the reason he doesn't appear in the final movie is because of his legal problems.
He will never go back. 12 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Crabbe never died in the books i thought? The reason it's zabini is because Crabbes actor was in prison.
Tel Aviv city hall last tonight 23 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Claiming Israel is bombing "Palestine" everday on the same day when a Palestinian broke into a family's home in Hebron went into a 13 year old girl's bedroom and stabbed her 30+ times killing her and covering the walls in blood to "fight the occupation." This of course being just one of hundreds of incidents in the past few months. Sorry guest, I long ago lost any and all sympathy for the "Palestinians" and their lies.
Tel Aviv city hall last tonight 23 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
That's why the "Palestinians" (who are genetically and culturally indistinguishable from other Arabs) have their population massively increase each year? Worst "genocide" in history.
House democrats 16 comments
felixo77 · 7 years ago
Except for the fact that democrats recently voted down two Republican gun control bills that gave them pretty much all they wanted except for requiring that due process still be enforced. The fact that democrats are calling due process a problem is quite telling.
Source: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/06/16/joe-manchin-lets-mask-slip-due-process-killing-us/