

For the God Emperor of Mankind, we will HOLD THE LINE!

— Felixo77 Report User
Some people ask for too much 87 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Another random binge?
A little lesson for you 13 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
They are social programs not socialist programs.
5 · Edited 5 years ago
A little lesson for you 13 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
What? Neither of those are socialist. Socialism is government or popular control of the means of production (factories, farms, businesses, etc.)
· Edited 5 years ago
Bitter truth 3 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Over half of households in the US own stocks, either directly or through 401ks.
How many people do you know, who wouldn't find that funny? 5 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Bambi is male.
It is true 24 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
And there are a ton of terrible moms. What's your point?
Am I the only one who agrees? 6 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Yes, due to "white privilege."
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Am I the only one who agrees? 6 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Have you ever been on Tumblr?
They are now Jehovah's b*tches 4 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Nah, they have the Mormon missionary name badges on.
25 · Edited 5 years ago
Something I realised! 6 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Pure water has no taste. However the water we drink isn't pure. The various minerals, chemicals, and other additives contribute to the taste.
Ruff ruff 27 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Yeah but when a chihuahua attacks you end up with some scratches and small punctures. When a pitbull attacks you end up in the hospital and/or die.
Street art 11 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
The distinction is quite simple. Do you own the canvas or have permission to use it? No? Then it is vandalism, regardless of how pretty it looks.
THE HOOOOOKS!! 16 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Going on a random binge?
This isnt normal right? 5 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
It's completely normal and called the "Call of the Void."
Micro/macrocosm 7 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Roasted 10 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
A subreddit on reddit.com called r/roastme where people post pictures of themselves to be insulted in the comments. This post looks like the app instead of the main site.
Deez Nutz 18 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Oh but you did. Or rather you will. I am you from the future, sent back to the past to prevent a catastrophe, but instead deciding to spend my time on FunSubstance.
Must Have 28 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Must Have 28 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
I may be following a lot of older posts....
Must Have 28 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Hello again.
Deez Nutz 18 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Yeah I did, under shurikkaru.
Deez Nutz 18 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Going on a random button binge?
An artist's life 6 comments
felixo77 · 5 years ago
Or because they realize that it's not as much fun to work with deadlines and someone else's vision and it doesn't pay very well.
There is a reason the stereotype is called the "starving artist."
8 · Edited 5 years ago
Sexual harassment!!!!!!!! 26 comments
felixo77 · 6 years ago
The issue of drawing people's attention when you start stripping in public?
Found a loophole 8 comments
felixo77 · 6 years ago
Because goalkeepers are only allowed to use their hands within the penalty box/area. This is the larger of the two boxes around the goal.
22 · Edited 6 years ago