

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."

— fiestycricket Report User
Bionic wave 6 comments
fiestycricket · 7 years ago
Please do, this stuff is awesome and fascinating :D
Bionic wave 6 comments
fiestycricket · 7 years ago
I had to watch this like 5 times to see if we really are that far in the future, or if it was just good paint...
Just another american healthcare thing I don't understand 23 comments
fiestycricket · 7 years ago
I've dislocated my knee about 3 times now. Didn't bother with the doctor on any of them, just kinda limped around for a while until the pain was gone.
Just leaving him here girls 19 comments
fiestycricket · 7 years ago
Just leaving him here girls 19 comments
fiestycricket · 7 years ago
Its hard to imagine the one on the right was ever a pretty boy.
Just kind of assumed he always looked like a warrior
FunTumblrStance 1 comments
fiestycricket · 7 years ago
I get sunburnt so much id probably take you up on this
Buzz the Bee is missing 28 comments
fiestycricket · 7 years ago
All of my bees died this year =[
We even had a hive that was partially in the house and had been there for years.
Something is seriously wrong with the bees
Wall boulder? 7 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Yeah i get that, but the bricks have to be basically glued together with cement. Usually that stuff fails and bricks brake off
Wall boulder? 7 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Thats a good cement mason right there.
Idk who did the molding on that but bravo
Meow yourself 44 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
@rosalinas yeah, see what I mean? Its so hard not to punch her all the time. Its not even a one time thing, she hits on him constantly
@heywood glad we learned something lol
Meow yourself 44 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
..... doing what? A buisness degree so they can start boarding other cats?
Meow yourself 44 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Thats pretty much how I've handled them rosalinas, they also live in a FILTHY house
Like omg filthy
I just stopped avoid them like the plauge. I won't enter their house, conversations are as short as possible with her, different tone, more sarcastic ect. This is his bs to deal with not mine. But she will chase you down and follow you. She also hits on my fiancé.... this is what i mean though, she makes my blood boil lol

Heywood.... thats funny you think his type is normal. Not even freakin close.
The one that was normal he had to leave cause cat ho child got jealous.
Meow yourself 44 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Then we have to deal with her tantrums and social manipulation and the brother being passive aggressive. (Wouldn't be to bad but I have to see him daily so....)
And idk, he met her in high school or something and he has issues being alone, plus she also likes girls so he gets to bang a lot of females.
Kin stuff is super dumb, and the borderline pedo thing is something the family has talked about, we just don't know what to do. Hes not even a dumb guy, he just makes the WORST life and relationship choices
Meow yourself 44 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Im so glad we are talking about this because my fiancés brother is dating a dumb ho like this. I can't exactly talk to anyone about it, and she drives me freaking nuts and I HAVE to converse with her sometimes.
*sigh* I just feel so homicidal around her.
She also thinks shes a child. (When it suits her of course)
Meow yourself 44 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
I don't mean to be mean, but I doubt these types of people are getting a higher education.
People with blue eyes share the same parent 18 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Another cool thing about green eyes is people thought we were magical.
But then they'd burn us cause we are witches so... there is that.
Double edged sword I guess
The p*rnhub Mormon 13 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Dinosaurs were satanists?
More nightmare fuel from down under 15 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
My only referance to these birds is Far Cry 3, and they were dicks.
The one that needed it the most 25 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
When I was a kid I did. I prayed for everyone, good or bad.
I was a little bleeding heart before humanity took my soul.
Worlds largest single firework shell 7 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Micheal Bays new favorite firework
Behind the famous mask 6 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
The ring girl is so cute.
I never knew
That escalated quickly 230 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Thanks satan.
Titanis walleri: The bird that ate horses 14 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Looks like a giant pissed off dodo
Teeny tiny wings
And no, not Tom Hardy 6 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Theres a look alike at my local gym.
He could do it, but he hates how people say he looks like wolverine... his loss I guess.
Overwatch attention to details 4 comments
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Nah it usually matters. Traditions aren't often taken lightly...