I haven't been on in forever, so now I'm gonna be an edgy faggot.
Fuck you.
I'm with him 15 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm 14 and this is deep
Look, It's A Panda Pan 1 comments
You're normal 39 comments
This art is a joke! 6 comments
who's the better hero 28 comments
There are no words needed 40 comments
· 9 years ago
The difference was that the nukes were used during wartime, when an invasion that would have cost far more lives was the only other option. And groups like ISIS are killing innocent people for their fake god.
I just realized Amy's apartment number is Pi! 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, Pi starts as 3.14, not 314. You're a few hundred off there, pal.
what if 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe because we can clearly identify the points on the ship where the iceberg broke the hull? And because survivors said nothing about a random group of odd-looking people showing up?
Flute and Clarinet players don't get to breathe. 14 comments
I just realized Amy's apartment number is Pi! 12 comments
Gamer keyboard 8 comments
My eyebrows react, too 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I actually sped-read it and the punctuation didn't affect me. 400 wpm boiiiiiiii
FINALLY 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Except for the fact that these have been a thing for at least a decade
Now Wait, I'm Not Finished 33 comments
· 9 years ago
No it isn't. We love them and respect them as we would any other person, but we are in no way supposed to support that choice, the same way we shouldn't with divorce.
i just threw up -- oh and these next posts will be historic 32 comments
· 9 years ago
Making him essentially the dictator of Germany. Before Hitler's rise to power, Germany had an almost democratic government, where leaders were voted into office, as Adolf Hitler originally was.