I haven't been on in forever, so now I'm gonna be an edgy faggot.
Fuck you.
Wat 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Wait what
Live and learn 10 comments
· 10 years ago
*Cracks knuckles* *Straightens papers* *Puts on glasses* Well the thing is, it isn't a repost. It's using someone's picture and claiming it to be your own. Now, if it were a random internet picture with a funny caption, ha-ha. But this is taking a photo from somebody's original work from their own life. And not only are they using it for their own work. You see, if they just wanted to add a funny caption to it, ha-ha. But they lied and used it as a representation of an event that supposedly occurred in their life. Plus, assuming you must re-use someone else's photograph for said post, it probably isn't even a true story anyways.
Live and learn 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Funny thing. Someone else posted that picture long ago, and said it was a pet pig owned by a relative. So I'm assuming you must be said relative? I mean, you DEFINITELY wouldn't LIE on the INTERNET, would you?
Look at my boyfriend, he's beautiful 23 comments
Look at my boyfriend, he's beautiful 23 comments
Look at my boyfriend, he's beautiful 23 comments
Kid destroys dollar store 24 comments
· 10 years ago
And even with all that, the chances of something actually being wrong with him? Pretty low. He was throwing a temper tantrum. Not all children scream and wail.
Edited 10 years ago
Kid destroys dollar store 24 comments
· 10 years ago
So what if the kid is autistic or whatever? He's still human. He still has a thought process. He knows he is wrong in that situation. He needs to control himself. My brother had a friend with down syndrome. But is that kid sitting at home drooling? No, he is currently a nurse assistant at the local ER. Know why? Because that kids parents RAISED HIM. They didn't bitch out and hide him away and protect him and justify everything he did. They accepted and acknowledged his condition, and made exceptions for it. But they still raised him justly and firmly. They raised him right. So I don't give a shit if the little brat is autistic or retarded or what. He needs to fucking act right.
STFU Carl Compilation 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Introducing Damnit Jim and Fucking Moon-Moon. Now, MILITARY EDITION.
Kid destroys dollar store 24 comments
I'm a man and I like fit girls but this is just awful 23 comments
· 10 years ago
If skinny girls could stop doing pretty much the same thing to fat girls, that would be greatly appreciated.
Space party pun 10 comments
Mom, why is the dog jingling? 2 comments
Elsa and Jack (by sakimi chan) 38 comments
Batman's No Gun Policy 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I'll just leave this here. . .
Cuteness over 9000 15 comments