When I was in third grade and first introduced to my stepmom, she immediately said "By the end of the day, you need to tell me how nice I am. I need to know if I'll qualify for Disney's standard!". And thus a wonderful relationship was born full of sarcasm and strange references.
Well disney didn't make it up they're from old children's stories that they made into movies. The stepmother thing was only from Cinderella so they continued it into others I guess.
Funny, the first thing my step mother ever told me and my sister was that she wasn't like the step mothers in the movies, she then proceeded to be the biggest bitch I'd ever met, and when ever me or my sister spilled something when we were younger she'd sing the Cinderella taunt while we cleaned it up.
Step moms Fucking SUCK. They are evil and will do whatever it takes to break you. Don't fall for her "love" because when your dad and her have new kids those kids will rule the house and will do whatever they want and if you sag ANYTHING about it you are on trouble. Or step moms will throw " my kids" this and "my kids" that, just know shes not talking about YOU shes talking about her children. Stepmoms are mean evil people and Disney knows! Ive had to put up with an evil step mom for 6 Almost 7 years! So yes Disney stepmothers are EVIL. -13 Year old who walks kn eggshells around stepmother
Just because your stepmother is evil doesn't mean all of them are. A friend of mine has a wonderful stepmother who cares for her more than her real mother did.
Some real mothers are evil. I was a runaway at age 14 due to physical, mental, verbal, and emotional abuse. My mother would lose her temper and beat me until she couldn't lift her arm any longer. My father died of a heart attack 3 weeks before my 13th birthday and when he was no longer around to stop her from hitting me the situation quickly got out of control. She is still capable of reducing me to tears with her lack of compassion and palatable disdain for me. And people wonder why I moved all the way across the country one day at the drop of a hat. To escape that witch. To never have her show up unannounced and proceed to tear me down with her judgemental and snotty remarks. A blended family adds a dynamic that is ripe with opportunity for kids to feel unwanted and unloved, but that can happen with your biological parents too.
A week after my mother died, my stepmother told me how my father cut me out of his will. I'm with Bluedogs on this. Stepmothers can be evil. She also babysits in her home and makes kids watch Disney instead of doing her job, that is, taking care of them. Stop depending on Disney to do the caretaking!
· 11 years ago
I have a step mom and she is a huge bitch to my mother