I don't blame you, I'm a girl and I've never been to Victoria's Secret, but if I did I'd go with a friend of mine that's a girl instead of my husband since he will see what I bought later anyways:) unless he wants to come along and help me choose what looks good on me I think I would be torturing him of boredom like those men in the pictures
Good on you. Should we also agree that men should not drag their wives to the tool department at Home Depot? Yes, I'm falling prey to gender steriotypes, but it has been my experience that most women are as disinterested in the tool department as most men are disinterested in shopping for lingerie.
Dun dun dun dun dun dun
Dun dun dun dun dun dun
I'm sorry ladies. You can go shopping solo or with your freinds. I'm not going.