Wow. Somebody sure is defensive about something they didn't even make.
· 11 years ago
well, seeing as most of your posts are youtube videos from jenna marbles etc, I don't think you can really talk. And it's a cute gif, you seem to be the only one who cares if it's a repost.
The difference that you chose to ignore is that I don't get attached to my posts, thus, no tantrums when someone points out something as simple as the fact that it's a repost.
Also, Jenna is only a small fraction of of my posts, as anyone can see in my profile.
Seriously, now, can you BE any stupider? It's insulting, to be honest. I deserve a much higher quality of hater than you.
If you didn't like the post, why did you comment? Clearly your the only one that cares if it's a repost. Congratulations! You've made your point. Seeing as how you're not here to enjoy the GIF, why don't you take your leave?
Whoa. I never read anything in the FS rulebook about only being able to comment on posts you like. Btw, I never said I didn't like the gif, I only pointed out it was a repost. You know, like people other than me often do, but without the handful of people who haven't realized the mgoveia hate bandwagon isn't (and never was) cool anymore jumping down their throats over it.
Oh, and let's not forget the hypocrisy of the occasional negative comments my posts get, including the completely off topic spam hate that I often have to report, and last but not least, the occasional comments outside of my posts about how my posts and comments suck. That said, perhaps you children should consider the old "glass house, throw stones" gem.
Maybe people wouldn't hate on you so much if you weren't a dick. Of course you're free to comment on whichever post you desire, but if you have nothing positive to say, it's rather obvious you are only doing it to stir up shit and/or be an ass. And I don't know where all that shit about your hate club came from because I don't care. You can't mind it much if you keep giving people a reason to "hate." I've seen some of your snide comments and it really is no wonder why people freak on you everytime they see you.
Almost everything mcdonaldo posts is a repost. Getting a blue star for copying from someone else isn't worthy. Oh sorry mcdonaldo, I forgot since I'm a guest I have no right to comment. Excuse me!
Oh, boo-hoo! The big bad m(eanie)goveia strikes again. It must be so tough being an innocent FS user these days, huh? I'll say it again, you kids can dish it out, but you sure can't take it. And then you pull the martyr card? Honestly...
If anyone should be complaining about people being assholes, it's me. Do you have guests (stealth FS users wouldn't surprise me) spamming "pedo" on dozens of your posts, among other things? I thought not. I guarantee you I get more shit on this site than anyone else, just because of who I am. I'll even bet that most people that don't like me around are people I've never even gotten personal with, I'm just kind of their enemy by virtue of not sharing their exact worldview. Of course that's partly based on what I've seen regarding upthumbs being awarded more generously to comments that are nestled snugly in the average FSer's comfort zone, ie, memes, shared hate/outrage, etc.
And to think, most of my comments were made to make people laugh...
Well I'm sorry most people spam your stuff, you clearly aren't a pedophile. You dont deserve that. But many of your comments aren't exactly what one would call nice. Maybe some are, though. But don't go pulling that woe is me crap when you should know perfectly well why the majority of people don't like you. And you don't seem like the type to care, anyway. If we're all just a bunch if kids, don't worry what we say. And it's not about you having a different opinion, it's the way you express it. A lot of your comments seem like you are purposely trying to insult people. I know you probably aren't going to take advice from a stranger online, but just try to be a little nicer. :)
Well, thank you.
Btw, I'm not trying to come across as "woe is me", if that's what you thought. I'm just stating facts here, and you're correct, I'm not the type to care. I will, however, report particularly hateful comments regardless if it's directed at me or fellow FSers.
Unfortunately, I can't really apologize or change how I express myself. Fyi, a lot of the time when I may seem insulting, I'm just messing with people. If I seriously attack someone on here, it'll be very obvious. Anything else is just messing around, it might just be hard to recognize since it's in text rather than face to face, and we don't actually KNOW each other like IRL friends. Believe it or not, I DO think of most of you people as sort of half-friends, so maybe that's why I type like I would talk IRL.
Some random persons being cranky.
Also, Jenna is only a small fraction of of my posts, as anyone can see in my profile.
Seriously, now, can you BE any stupider? It's insulting, to be honest. I deserve a much higher quality of hater than you.
Oh, and let's not forget the hypocrisy of the occasional negative comments my posts get, including the completely off topic spam hate that I often have to report, and last but not least, the occasional comments outside of my posts about how my posts and comments suck. That said, perhaps you children should consider the old "glass house, throw stones" gem.
If anyone should be complaining about people being assholes, it's me. Do you have guests (stealth FS users wouldn't surprise me) spamming "pedo" on dozens of your posts, among other things? I thought not. I guarantee you I get more shit on this site than anyone else, just because of who I am. I'll even bet that most people that don't like me around are people I've never even gotten personal with, I'm just kind of their enemy by virtue of not sharing their exact worldview. Of course that's partly based on what I've seen regarding upthumbs being awarded more generously to comments that are nestled snugly in the average FSer's comfort zone, ie, memes, shared hate/outrage, etc.
And to think, most of my comments were made to make people laugh...
Btw, I'm not trying to come across as "woe is me", if that's what you thought. I'm just stating facts here, and you're correct, I'm not the type to care. I will, however, report particularly hateful comments regardless if it's directed at me or fellow FSers.
Unfortunately, I can't really apologize or change how I express myself. Fyi, a lot of the time when I may seem insulting, I'm just messing with people. If I seriously attack someone on here, it'll be very obvious. Anything else is just messing around, it might just be hard to recognize since it's in text rather than face to face, and we don't actually KNOW each other like IRL friends. Believe it or not, I DO think of most of you people as sort of half-friends, so maybe that's why I type like I would talk IRL.