


— LuvLeigh Report User
Cross-section of a rattlesnek's rattle 2 comments
klsprpltxt · 4 years ago
The forbidden cronch
I Was Born.... 61 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
I was born in the past and it is so awesome
My buddy 5 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
That looks exactly like my cat lol
Anyone wanna go to a wedding with me? 27 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
I’ll go
Talent competition 3 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
Funny story. I’ve actually done a tap dance on roller skates, it didn’t go that great
Me after watching "A Serbian film" 13 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
Noooooooooooo! Why did you watch it? I haven’t seen it but boy that description made me want to drink bleach
Bad artist 9 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
The overturned bouquet by Abraham mignon! What a classic lol
Daily Dose Of Artwork 15: sorry for the late upload! 8 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
This is amazing! I want something like this to hang in my house
I just figured out that the boy I have a crush on from school is on funsubstance... .-. 121 comments
klsprpltxt · 5 years ago
I have to know how this story ended... partyboob, ever find your guy?
*cough* I'm single and sometimes cute 16 comments
klsprpltxt · 7 years ago
It wasn't me. I really appreciate that actually and think it's 100% fine to have your own opinion. I like my face either way. I don't wear a ton of makeup on the regular and actually in that picture I'm not wearing that much it's mostly the filter. I had to play a role in my friends film wear I was slightly slutty so I wore more makeup than I usually do. But no, I didn't downvote you
2 · Edited 7 years ago
*cough* I'm single and sometimes cute 16 comments
klsprpltxt · 7 years ago
Lol that was my point. I never wear that much makeup or take selfies so when I did I was like "what the heck" I looked like a completely different person
*cough* I'm single and sometimes cute 16 comments
klsprpltxt · 7 years ago
"fashion was a mistake" 7 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
That's what a ballet sweater looks like
Flamingosssss 12 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
That's actually a fundraiser I was a part of lol it's called flocking
How? 7 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
There's gotta be at least 12
Two brooos,chillin' in a hot tub,5 feet apart cuz they're not gay 5 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
The title is on point lol. I love that vine
Somebody get to writing! 31 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
I read a book like this, but it wasn't very good. I don't even remember the name
Krustykrab 2 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
That's my wifi and password haha!
SATISFACTION 16 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
get it? cause faces.. I'll go home now
SATISFACTION 16 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
How could you deface money like that.....
Getting your ship back like a true pirate 7 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
Haha what
Getting your ship back like a true pirate 7 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
I honestly have no idea, it was probably like three in the morning when I commented that I and I was very delusional
Getting your ship back like a true pirate 7 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
That's a lot of anger for a comment that was posted a year a go lol
Group projects 9 comments
klsprpltxt · 8 years ago
Yeah I think so haha