I don't know. With a fictional character, you know it won't happen and it's completely irrational but they're still so perfect and so your goal is to find someone like them and ugh it won't happen but god they're perfect and ugh this problem is familiar to me, can you tell?
I do, but not for sale *humph* though I will do anything to get Cumberbatch. And I suppose you don't happen to have Hiddleston hiding under your couch somewhere, do you?
I happen to have a top-of-the-line Hiddleston in my attic, but I'm only willing to trade for the best, perhaps a Downey Jr. or a Cumberbatch, though a Tennant would also work.
· 11 years ago
Now we're talkin, I'll see what I can do
· 11 years ago
Ha, I recently got a Tennant after weeks of searching - no way am I giving him up! I'll trade my Downey Jr for your high-quality Hiddleston - I'm trying to build up the full British set, you see. You don't happen to have a Whishaw, do you? He's quite a hard one to track down.
*sigh*, no, I don't have a Whishaw. I'm looking to collect the full avengers set, so if you happen to have a hemsworth or an evans. I actually have two hiddlestons, so I'm willing to trade.
· 11 years ago
Hmmm, I'm willing to part with my Ruffalo for a Hemsworth (not part of my British set, but, you know - it's a Hemsworth!).
Mmm *shakes head* that's not how it works Sparklez, what do you have to offer? Nobody's gettin Ackles for free on my watch 0___0
· 11 years ago
YES! I've had an Ackles on my wishlist for YEARS! Now I can finally complete my Supernatural set! Here, take my Ruffalo. Now, I heard a trader will be passing through here soon with an Armitage and a Freeman - I'm saving up some of mine for them. Though, I'm on the look out for a Pace at the moment, too - you don't happen to have one, do you?
Oh dear. I'm afraid I mainly stock British men . The only women I carry are Gemma Arterton, Scarlet Johansson, and Marion Cotillard, and the occasional 60's movie star. Do any of those interest you ?
Alright. I'll need scarlet to hold the reservation and audrey for payment, and as a show of faith I will throw in another model of your choice for free, just let me know and if I have it its yours with your matt smith when we get him in.
I have an Avengers Hiddleston, but I am also collecting the Avengers set so he is not tradeable. However, I'd be willing to trade my War Horse edition Hiddleston.