

I'm here to laugh:)

— mariahjuanita Report User
Alzheimer's Request 6 comments
mariahjuanita · 7 years ago
What did humans do to deserve dogs! 5 comments
mariahjuanita · 7 years ago
Fucked up man
I f*cking love Dave Chappelle! 4 comments
mariahjuanita · 7 years ago
Me too and he's having stand up specials on Netflix! Can't wait
Thats me 14 comments
mariahjuanita · 7 years ago
Lol me too
Pile o' kittens 11 comments
mariahjuanita · 7 years ago
They look fake
AKA the guy who stole my dream job 9 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
I'd get a backache headache neck ache bed sores I don't know that wouldn't be too fun
Hats off to the lurkers 35 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
I've been a lurker for 3 years now and very proud
Oh Kevin 5 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
That's happened to me :( but it started me on losing weight and I'm down 13 Lbs and look great so yeah lol
The ultimate Prague ice cream 13 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
There's a place in sac called cream kind of like that it's so good
One of the lesser-known Badass Comic Book Heroes 10 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
I love that movie Constantine
For all of those who appreciated this scene as much as me :* 16 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
Yes it was amazing
Zootopia breaks Frozen's record 4 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
Wasn't as good tho
Pals for life 23 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
I think it might have died already :/
Good advice for life 8 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
I've been working the same job for 2 years so yeah I don't have to introduce my self anymore :D
Where did that come from? 10 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
I hope they weren't trying to pass that off as her real ass tho
Car post-it pranks are such a waste of time 4 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
I think my blind friends eye is amazing! 7 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
How did he become blind!?
It's like Flint, MI is running a gofundme for government 11 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
Exactly when people ask for donations it's like ok that's great that people wanna help! BUT!! It should not be up to any body to help with there big fuck up
Choose one 34 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
Oh snap probably hospital
everyones otp 7 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
What's otp
Can someone explain this? 18 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
Crazy witches
whoa 27 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
For real tho
The worst one minute of your childhood. 28 comments
mariahjuanita · 8 years ago
Seriously I hated this shit