Vermin Supreme. He just ran as a prank, and made a ton of dental puns. He then mentioned there would be a pony identification system, where you must have your pony with you at all times. At the end, he sang a song about himself to the tune of the chicken dance.
You guys this is so good to see. Everyone on this site all of a sudden became a self righteous asshole that posts about equality and rape and depressing bullshit. But this isn't depressingsubstance it's funsubstance. It's a website for funny pictures and happy pictures. And people like sweggython are the kind of people that maintain the happiness. And for that we thank you
· 11 years ago
I agree with you, I'm guessing this is just some kind of phase. I'm sure it will be over soon, I mean it's nice to see some of the posts but you do make a great point
Oh that is amazing.
.... Edit...
So I guess he ran in 2012 on zombie apocalypse awareness? Winning.
This guy might be my new hero! lol