You can do it no matter what the others say
11 years ago by miniegg · 2948 Likes · 17 comments · Popular
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· 11 years ago
Actually, there is a very complex and expensive surgery that can place a fully functional uterus inside a biological male. Not easy and quite dangerous, but it is now possible for transwomen to give birth. Only transwomen and those close to it, though. You won't qualify for the surgery if you aren't trans*.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Could they get periods?
· 11 years ago
No. They cannot create eggs as of yet, but eggs can be implanted.
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· 11 years ago
Hi :) I don't mean to sound rude at all... that is completely impossible for a someone born without a vagina to carry a baby. It's interesting but absolutely false. I'm not sure where you heard that but it simply isn't true. It's physically impossible for a man* (or someone transgendered with a penis) to give birth or even carry a baby. Where would a surgeon even place a uterus in a male body? How would they get one? I am not judging anyone transgendered. I just want people to know! :)
· 11 years ago
I don't know Spidy. Technology has advanced tremendously over the years. Perhaps implanting a uterus is a simple matter cutting this off and moving that to the side. I'm not a doctor, but not much is impossible these days.
· 11 years ago
In bio class we studied this a little bit, but it was for regular men... I think the man gives birth via Csection type thing but I was confused on the other details...
· 11 years ago
It's happened. One transwoman has gotten that surgery and successfully carried a child.
· 11 years ago
I'm sure you've heard a story like that but I'm afraid it isn't true. You can't open a biologically males lower stomach area and just drop a uterus inside him. What would you attach it to? Even if they got that far, the baby wouldn't survive. A biologically male body is not built to carry a baby for nine months. There are so many factors to this. Yes, technology is getting very advanced but this is not something we can do as of today. Sorry
· 11 years ago
Spiderman is right. I'm not sure why people actually think this is possible... I know of a story where a transgendered person (born a woman but now a man) gave birth but that's it, and it only worked because she was born a female. But nonono a man canNOT give birth. Seriously people? Think about it.
· 11 years ago
*transgender person. "Transgendered person" is incorrect.
· 11 years ago
Sorry. I heard a woman had such a surgery. I guess she had a uterus implanted, but it didn't work. Anyway, they were close. One day it will be possible, I'm sure.
· 11 years ago
Just live in a fanfiction, there are many male's who give birth there.
· 11 years ago
OMF tumblr
· 11 years ago
You know his gender not his story
· 11 years ago
This is a really great article that covers the science of exploration in male pregnancy, including Thomas Beatie, the trans man who had children:
· 11 years ago
And I am not meaning to ignore intersex individuals- many people who have been born without the "classification" of female have given birth as well- here is an example:
· 11 years ago
A boy, not a transgender person, but a boy- wants to get pregnant up here and some dude tells him he shouldn't let others' beliefs get him to think he can't get pregnant. Now this is supposed to be funny! Laugh! Or at least grin! And move on :/