So far the only thing I've suceeded in doing is convincing my mom to let me play my dads old xbox games that are rated M, I told her that the lower quality graphics make them not as violent. She believed it. Thank god too, she'd have killed me if she found out I played Half-Life 2 with out her permission.
You cant buy games that are m if you are not 17, and you cant jsut buy back a xbox
· 11 years ago
You ask your parents for money and they give it to you? Wouldn't that be lying to them by telling them you need food money and then using the money to buy games? Well I'm a goody-two-shoes so I've never tried, but eventually someone will find out.
Ask my parents for money? Hah, I don't even get an allowance.
Also, I'm 14, I can get the money but there's no way in hell I'm going to walk to the nearest game stop.
Actually, I've bought Mass Effect 3 when I was just with my sister when I was 13 and there was no problems, so maybe it's different here than where you're from?
· 11 years ago
I don't get allowance either, I'm not sure I fully understand the reason for it though...
I do the most chores out of anyone in our house (fold the laundry, feed the cats, do the dishes, put away the dishes, vacuum, clean the litter box, which actually covers off the majority of the chores) yet I don't get an allowance, I asked my mom why she stopped giving me an allowance and she said it was because she figured I should just be expected to do those things with no reward
· 11 years ago
Yeah, I'm a straight A student and I told my mom how some kids in my class got 20 bucks for every A they got on their report cards. I was trying to give her a hint but she said you're supposed to get good grades and shouldn't need someone to pay you to do good in school. That logic actually got through to me and I just stopped trying to get money off of chores and grades
What I usually do is when I'm with my grandmother she will take me out to buy cards for whatever system I want to down load something onto, it's still a pain though.
Sounds like this mom has issues around not annoying her stepson and stepdaughter because she's not their "real mom" and needs to be liked, where as with her own flesh and blood she has no problem with being a parent and being firm. Maybe pointing this out in a non-shouty way or in a letter to her where it's less in your face and confrontational might help.
Because she is trying to teach you tough love because she loves you, but she doesn't care about the spoiled brats as much and just wants them to shut up... I don't think this is right but probably some form of logic
I very much dislike my stepmom and she dislikes me. We both respect each other ( I respect her more than she respects me, but whatever.) As long as my dad is happy.
I know that feeling like when shes just mean for no reason?! Best thing you could do is ignore her negativity but remember shes an adult and your dads wife soyou have to resect her no matter what. Save your money so when your 18 you never have to deal with her.
I'm sorry that you have to go through this, I also have a very twisted relationship with my mother (but not nearly as severe as yours.) I know it's hard, but just keep looking forward to that day that you get to move out of the house and get a place of your own. Dream of making a life for yourself that cannot even be criticized by your mother.
Sorry, I originally read that as DO you have an old and younger step sibling.
The man my mom married had a daughter older than me and a son younger than me. It's really not that complicated.
Also, I'm 14, I can get the money but there's no way in hell I'm going to walk to the nearest game stop.
Actually, I've bought Mass Effect 3 when I was just with my sister when I was 13 and there was no problems, so maybe it's different here than where you're from?
The man my mom married had a daughter older than me and a son younger than me. It's really not that complicated.