If everyone stopped caring about how others looked, the world would be a lightly sadder place. The human form is something beautiful and worth appreciating... sometimes. Which takes us back to why do you care.
You aren't being more open-minded by calling out what you think are "skinny shamers". The OP is just drawing attention to the fact that mainstream media has created a society that idolizes thinness, rather than health. Being underweight is just as unhealthy as being obese.
Idk it's their health and their body. It's none of our business in my opinion. They can do what they please with their bodies and it's not up to us. We have to stop judging with our eyes.... that's all I'm trying to say
Excuse me ! I can say I feel offended. I have exactly that body, yes, with collar bones and everything. So don't go comparing us to abused animals, if we can't even point out that some people are fat. It's not our choice, and we like our bodies like they are. it's not by insulting our body that you'll improve yours.
*sorry i was ranting, i just get a bit angry when i see this type of thing*
Apology accepted I just prefer curves. I'm a woman too, I have a very thin frame myself. I simply expressed how I felt about the whole skinny thing and you took offence for no good reason. Please don't be offended hun it was just a comment ay
Edited 4 years ago
· 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I like women who have bones, mainly because if they didnt they would fall apart. But I do think a woman's should be healthy and not too dat or too thin. Just a healthy body.
*sorry i was ranting, i just get a bit angry when i see this type of thing*