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· 10 years ago
Fucking BOOM.
· 10 years ago
1st, not all christians are like that "oh god said so" and 2nd of all repost
· 10 years ago
Not all homicidal maniacs murder people. The bad apples give the bad name, even if it's the minority. In the case of Christians, it's more of a majority rather than a minority
· 10 years ago
Personally I hate when people bombard posts with "oh not all (insert group name here) are like that! Blah blah blah." Yes, we know. However we choose to generalize, take it or leave it.
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· 10 years ago
But it's just so when people start posting hateful comments they should know that we're not all like that? What if I had to say all athiests are a certain way. A lot would be offended?
· 10 years ago
No one says "all _______" are a certain way. They say ______ are a certain way.
· 10 years ago
Hooray for over generalization to protect our sheltered and very convenient fallacies......?
· 7 years ago
Lol xD the logic is hilarious. However if you looked at it in a logical standpoint, sexuality is more or less a societal label, derived from sexual preference. So in other words, claiming to be gay, heterosexual, bisexual, or any other sexuality, just shows that you put your lusts, your preference, your ideaology, above loving, caring, and respecting others in an unbiased way. Now I know that we've done this for years now, living with labels, but, what if we stripped them away? What if we stood there, raw, genuine, our integrity being the only thing that we see? How would we react then? This is from a Christian, who isn't straight, who isn't into guys, or girls, who isn't into labels. I'm into peace, hope, restoration, and sharing unconditional love with others. I'm human, just like you, and I love you.