I know right? I wish I had friends l can talk to so I can go places in such large places. To be honest I literally only have 2 friends. 2!! I'm not even exaggerating but one of my wishes is to be around the type of people like in How I Met Your Mother.
· 11 years ago
I prefer the bottom if it is at night and up high, otherwise I prefer quieter places as long as they have modern necessities.
Got out of NYC alive, just in time for that urge to commit harikiri, naked in the middle of Times square. Citites are good for somethings in a small to moderate portion. Biggest problem with citities being the people in the. People are people and people are mostly fuckin' idiots.
I like the bottom one better, honestly. It's a big city, with lots of people, so I won't feel lonely. But yet, these are strangers, so no one would bother me. (If that makes any sense)
I like small to medium sized towns as long as they have everything I need, big cities are too overwhelming and I feel it's hard to get to know people in them.
I would agree but the problem of smaller cities is that people know you, everybody knows you and you can't hide from anything, hostile ex's, ex friends, bullies from your past... you're bound to run into some of those people sooner or later which makes you (at least me) fucking nervous everytime I leave the house.
Well I guess it does happen to run into some people you don't really want to see but it's not like you have to talk to them, right? I agree that it is a little unnerving seeing someone who was mean to you in the bookstore or anywhere else and it can get awkward but whenever I run into someone I know and don't really like I just walk past and pretend it never happened, I don't even waste my time talking to them if I don't like them. So it's not something you should feel nervous about otherwise you aren't living for yourself, don't let them stop you from going out and having fun ;)
The caption should've been something like "which one do you prefer" or something because "Am I the only one who" sounds pretentious and makes you seem like you think you're better than everyone else because you prefer the top one.
I like cities because I hate people. In big cities nobody's got time for your shit. Everyone is looking out for themselves. It's easier to lay low in a city. I like that.
Why can't I just like both, about the same amount, for different reasons?