"Look son, you can just avoid and distort and judge and make fun of people you disagree with, and be hailed as a hero! Remember that!"
If you wanna pretend that morality and diets are the same, whatever. The thing I don't like is the false correlation between disagreement and anger. No, claiming someone's actions are wrong is not the same as getting angry over a donut. Maybe getting angry at someone's choices might be comparable to getting angry over a donut. But simply disagreeing is not synonymous with getting angry.
Ah while I agree with the sentiment, I don't think that religions and diets are comparable.
· 11 years ago
Well, they could be compared at a base level as diets and religion ARE both a choice and have a set of rules you follow - through certain behaviours and choices - in order to benefit from a happier future later on...
You make a good point, but I'd like to counter that, generally, religion is lifelong whereas a diet is temporary. Think about this, he could have said: "Claiming someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating meat because you're a vegan." Does the argument still hold ground? I don't think so, because the first instance describing marriage, the person isn't angry, they're just stating it's against their beliefs. Like I said, I agree with the sentiment that someone's marriage is not really any of my business, but I wouldn't say that what Seth Rogen said is the greatest thing ever.
I really just want that jolt of pleasure I get when someone agrees with me on the internet...or in real life, but it's snowing and the roads are closed.
If you wanna pretend that morality and diets are the same, whatever. The thing I don't like is the false correlation between disagreement and anger. No, claiming someone's actions are wrong is not the same as getting angry over a donut. Maybe getting angry at someone's choices might be comparable to getting angry over a donut. But simply disagreeing is not synonymous with getting angry.