This is so incredibly inaccurate it hurts. Especially as a science degree graduate. If a woman gets fat, she blames her "metabolism" (which doesn't really mean anything by the way), when it was really her fault for not using the calories she ingested. Men on average do more physical activity and therefore have a legitimate reason to consume more calories since they will be burned off to fuel the muscles; women however seem to gorge themselves, don't exercise and then blame society for making them eat an entire chocolate cake.
I'm sorry to have offended you SO badly! & I agree with you. Sometimes girls will over eat & blame there metabolism for being fat, but that doesn't apply to EVERYONE. I go to the gym at night, I babysit everyday, therefore I do keep active & I watch what I eat & still gain weight.
Doing lots of different things does not burn calories. Using your muscles burns calories. So whatever exercise you think you do, it is still not enough to burn off the amount of food you eat. Without ever meeting you, I can say with 100% certainty (due to the thermodynamic conservation of energy) that the energy you consume is equal to the energy available for your body to burn, and if it is not burnt, it is stored as fat or glycogen; therefore if you are gaining weight, you are eating too much or exercising too little (depending on how you look at it). There is literally no way for your body to produce imaginary extra calories. My advice is, take responsibility for your actions and either eat less, or exercise more. Further advice, if you are under stress, your body will produce more cortisol and encourage the storage of fat. So get a good sleep every night (at least 7 hours) and learn ways to relax. Exercise in the afternoon so it doesn't disrupt your sleep.
· 11 years ago
I think it works both ways, regardless of gender - everyone, especially the media (perhaps BECAUSE of the media), just focuses more on the fluctuations of women's weight.
So are men, dumbass. Your statement is too simplistic and reductionist. However women are designed to store fat in different areas (breasts and hips) and on average have a higher body fat percentage than men (24% vs 15% on average), but that is no excuse for a woman to exceed that 24% fat composition. It is also not unhealthy for women to go below 24% fat and even as low as 10% (before they experience hormonal changes). Just look at most female track athletes, they are perfectly healthy being 12-16% body fat. So don't use "evolution" as a reason to gorge yourself on nutella and become overweight or obese, that's not cool.
To the slightly rude guest, it was men's job to huht, so they were designed to be long, lean, and mobile. Women were supposed to raise children at home.
What point are you trying to make? That women are designed to be fat slobs? I don't think so. Plus women didn't "stay home" all day, they were out foraging for fruits and nuts while the men hunted. The only reason that women have larger fat stores than men is so that they had enough stored calories to breast feed a baby for at least 6 months after birth, something in the range of 144000 calories in fact. When a woman is not breastfeeding, the stored fat is literally of very little use. This is also why men do not have fat stores, because they do not breast feed, and the extra weight would have made it more energy inefficient to hunt. If humans did not breast feed, there would be no difference in body composition between men and women (specifically fat storage), as evidenced in other animals who do not breast feed. So unless a woman is in the process of breast feeding, they should not feel justified with carrying so much extra weight as fat.
You are right, this cartoon is 100% false. If you don't exercise but continue to eat like a pig, you will get fat, simple as that. Girls don't seem to like hearing that though.
Or everyone should just eat healthily it would be the same. Actually guys weigh more than girls. Girls just think they're fat cuz they see the starved girls in magazines.
I'm 14 and 82 pounds. HOW DO I NOT GAIN WEIGHT