oh... ok I get that one. I was just thinking along of the lines of a newspaper headline "Justin Bieber pees in his own mop bucket, how disgusting!" but yeah I get it
ALSO ADD: DRUNK DRIVING (UNDERAGE DRINKING BTW) AND HAVING ENOUGH MONEY TO GET HIMSELF OUT OF JAIL! this makes me soooo mad, like no, he SHOULD NOT just get a free card! he could have killed a fricking person while drunk driving! DOES NO ONE GET THAT? he could have killed, and he's allowed to just get out? It's not okay! HE'S A CHILD! peeing in a mop bucket? egging his neighbours house? it makes me want to punch everyone who says it was by mistake in the face, BECAUSE, GUESS WHAT? Saying it was a mistake doesn't make drunk driving okay! If he was a normal person, everyone would say, "KEEP HIM IN JAIL! WE CAN'T HAVE HIM DRIVING AROUND KILLING PEOPLE!" But nope, it's JB, and he is allowed out, because, oh, he can sing, and oh, he's hot? and he has a sentimental value to you? jesus, you don't know how great or terrible he is by what kinda songs he writes, or his campaigns. Sorry, but this makes me so mad, that he is allowed to do all this stuff.
I'm not a belieber, but it's not a bad thing or anyones fault if he has enough money to get out of jail. Honestly, he earned it, it had a lot more to do with his publicity then talent in my opinion, but nevertheless he earned it.
That is a terrible terrible way to look at it. Basically if someone is rich let them get out of jail free because they can afford it? "It's okay, you've EARNED this fortune, that means you can be as reckless as you want and pay a small % of it to get away with dangerous behaviour"
No, I'm just saying it's not a bad thing that "HAVING ENOUGH MONEY TO GET HIMSELF OUT OF JAIL". It truly isn't his fault if the system allows him to get off because he's rich. If I committed a crime, on accident or on purpose, and I could afford to get out of jail... I would and I'm sure you would too.
Basically, I'm just saying in this particular situation it's the systems fault not his.
THANK YOU SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS when he first came out people said they thought he was a bad PERSON because he had a bad voice and they say omg he's so GAY. IS IT BAD THAT HE IS GAY no it's not, he is bad because he is a bad person.
Exactly. The reason is that some men (and in a few cases women) are immoral and put their own sick urges above everyone else. However is that what justin meant though?
He was talking about abortion and how he thought it was wrong to kill a living soul and the interviewer asked him what he thought about abortion in cases of rape.
· 11 years ago
He also changed the Nile river into blood, made it rain frogs, caused a plague of fleas, locusts, flies & wild animals, gave everyone boils and killed all the first born sons
Doing that was rather arrogant, writing "wish you were a belieber", not "I hope you would have liked me." He managed to make the whole going about him self.
oh I thought he wrote that second one. ok. (just to clarify I am not a Bieber fan I just don't like people criticizing someone for something that isn't bad. but it was bad so nvm)
Why? Why must you hate on him. It hurts him, as well as all of his damn fanbase. Fin something else to do. Just please no hate :'(
Plus, have you ever considered talking about the good he's done?
Guest, people like you are always sayin that he's done "good things" and the bad things were just for publicity, well something tells me it's the other way around because he's behaving like a spoiled little brat
People thinks he's done lots of good and that it balances out the bad, when really he has done the general celebrity good things e.g. Make a wish foundation and donations. I'm not saying these aren't good things, but they don't sky rocket him above any other celebrity or human being with a soul for that matter. Ps the kid is worth about $120m and donated less than 200k so far. The act is good but maybe he could have been a bit more generous rather than paying for things like weed
See? This is exactly it. If a person who is Scrouge-Mcduck-level rich will refuse to follow through on a promise to donate money to charity, then that really says something! I'm not complaining about him having donated before, but considering the kids worth his donations are fairly petty.
Well you're giving him publicity whether it's hate or not. So either way, he's more famous and getting more money. Plus, you can't blame him. He's parents aren't the most supportive and having the media on his back 24/7 is stressful. Yeah I get that the bad May outdo the good, but why can't you even just consider it? When you make a mistake, or maybe a few, you don't want to be reminded of it 24/7. Do you?
EVERYONE SLIPS UP and this is a fucking P H A S E.
He's a 19 YEAR OLD KID.
And yeah, maybe that isn't the best accuse but it's good enough. IMAGINE BEING A 19 YEAR OLD BOY WITH MILLIONA OF DOLLARS AND GIRLS THROWING THEMSELVES AT YOU.
Do you really think you'll sit around being boring and not having any fun?
We have considered the good he's done, as you can see above. But as you so politely pointed out, the bad does outweigh the good,
Making him well, not so good. I'm going to assume that you are less then 18 so don't understand what your older teenage years are about, but I'm also 19. I haven't had a DUI, nor have I drag raced. I haven't spat on anyone, peed on someone's property or egged a neighbours house. When I have money that I worked tirelessly for I use for things that I need. When I am bored I don't make trouble for people just because I'm rich and find it fun. That's what 19 year olds are supposed to do! He's past the troublesome 16 year old stage. He needs to mature the fuck up
I don't give a shit about Bieber, and I really don't care what he does.
If he killed someone, then that'd be crossing the line, but he hasn't.
If you hated him, you wouldn't be giving him attention. Period.
Then you are truly lost *jedi battle ensues leaving you burning without arms or legs*
Oh and if you're so mature mrsarcasm, then why are you even talking about Justin Bieber? He should just be like any other celebrity to you. At 19, I wouldn't waste my time hating or even talking about celebrities.
How is it immature to judge someone wrong for doing wrong things? I don't give a shit if he's a celebrity I think he's a bad person so ill say it end of story. You're right he is like any other celebrity to me.. Any other celebrity that does the irresponsible shit he does as well. And mr/mrs hypocrit, at 21 I wouldn't waste my time defending a basket case. Served
Basically, I'm just saying in this particular situation it's the systems fault not his.
Plus, have you ever considered talking about the good he's done?
EVERYONE SLIPS UP and this is a fucking P H A S E.
He's a 19 YEAR OLD KID.
And yeah, maybe that isn't the best accuse but it's good enough. IMAGINE BEING A 19 YEAR OLD BOY WITH MILLIONA OF DOLLARS AND GIRLS THROWING THEMSELVES AT YOU.
Do you really think you'll sit around being boring and not having any fun?
Making him well, not so good. I'm going to assume that you are less then 18 so don't understand what your older teenage years are about, but I'm also 19. I haven't had a DUI, nor have I drag raced. I haven't spat on anyone, peed on someone's property or egged a neighbours house. When I have money that I worked tirelessly for I use for things that I need. When I am bored I don't make trouble for people just because I'm rich and find it fun. That's what 19 year olds are supposed to do! He's past the troublesome 16 year old stage. He needs to mature the fuck up
If he killed someone, then that'd be crossing the line, but he hasn't.
If you hated him, you wouldn't be giving him attention. Period.
I wanna call a truce.