

In my mind

— Vermillion Report User
It breaks my heart 15 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 5 years ago
Is it a different person? One says roger the other says Richard?
True hero! 14 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 6 years ago
Why is she a hero?? She just did her job. Most of the time airplanes crash it’s by pilot error.
I would like an Oreo McFlurry with a side of respect, please 11 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 6 years ago
All the McDonald's I go to never serve ice cream past midnight
Change starts with us 2 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 7 years ago
Trump supporters Haha
I'd love to be reborn as a mighty oak :) 14 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 7 years ago
You want a haunted forest, that's how you get a haunted forest
Someone broke into the White house to catch a pokemon, he's lucky not to get shot 17 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
But some guy can make it into the White House and nobody does anything
My English teacher literally had this exact thing 10 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
If they did this when I was in high school I would have been absent everyday since I didn't have a phone Haha
Murica 44 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
I'm from New Mexico
"All girls dress the same" 26 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
Is it bad if I've never dressed like this...
No shave november 12 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
No shave November since forever
Bing gets no love 13 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
Where I work uses Bing and Internet explorer as default
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
So you can see a missle test from Arizona and New Mexico too?
Wait a minute! Chris Pratt was in Wanted?! 14 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
I'm surprised more people didn't know Chris Pratf was in wanted
Lost your dog? 2 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
Dogs always find their way home. Our dogs would get lost in the mountains and be back about a week later. It was pretty crazy.
happy halloween guys! let's not suffer from diabetes 30 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
So guys can't make jokes about women because it sexist but women can makes jokes because it's cool??
This is Hilarious 9 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
But slayer is Catholic
Soda, pop, or coke? 37 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
New Mexico doesn't give a shit
I feel miserable. 14 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
I had a golden geodude which I evolved all the way then my ds and game got stolen :(
Spongebob was great back then 8 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
Jesus why do people hate change so much
Have you ever thought about this? 18 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 8 years ago
I thought I was the only one thinking of Angel and Spike
love wins:D 56 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 9 years ago
It's doesn't matter both are freedom of speech. If you want love to win and be shown then you have to allow the opposite otherwise it would be unfair.
well you should be grateful 10 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 9 years ago
You get free healthcare if you're Native American
love wins:D 56 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 9 years ago
Apprently if you're gay then you can judge someone's flag but they can't judge your flag
Marriage equality in america through the ages 24 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 9 years ago
I like how New Mexico didn't give a shit then just accepted it
We have a Hulk 5 comments
kyr6996sic6 · 9 years ago
I feel like I'm the only one who enjoyed Man of Steel