Get an education when you were younger and get a real job..You aren't meant to retire from an entry level job.....I guess that ghetto "swagga" doesn't pay well??!!
College isn't meant for everyone. Especially when we're younger. I have trouble enough deciding what I want to eat for dinner let alone what I want to do for the rest of my life !
That sturdy concluded that min wage would be $10.80 had it risen with inflation since 1968. However, we also now have expenses that did not exist forty years ago. Healthcare costs have risen at several times inflation. People seem to think that they need to have cable television and mobile phones with internet access. These were all luxuries when introduced to the public. Minimum wage jobs should be treated as an opportunity to show that you have work ethic and can follow protocols to allow you to move into a permanent position. Unfortunately some people cannot handle this. At the same time the American people allowed our manufacturing jobs to be
moved to China and Mexico and Thailand. Federal pixies like granting China most favored trade status and NAFTA have only accelerated the downward spiral we have been in since the late 90s. There is no easy fix without serious tariffs on imports and tremendous taxes on money leaving the country.
As minimum wage goes up, so does the cost of living and unemployment. Companies that can afford to pay 2 people $5 an hour, can now only pay 1 of them $10 an hour. Sorry, one of you is getting laid off. Now productivity is down too... Businesses start charging more, because they think the minimum wage is enough, but now that it's gone up they can squeeze a little bit out of everyone. If people lose jobs, and prices go up, then taxes can go up too. Now the nation needs more money to pay for people who got laid off and need food stamps. Why do they need them? Because they asked for higher pay at their ditch digging job instead of getting out of that hell and making a real life. Sell your New car you "had to have", pay less for your phone, and eat some ramen. Life is hard, so buckle up.
Maybe get a real job and the BARE ASS MINIMUM wouldn't even matter anymore? I mean seriously, even the lowest shitty jobs I know of, if you are half ass decent at your work and stay there very long you get some sort of a raise. If you have any sort of raise at all, you aren't making minimum wage anymore and it shouldnt affect you anymore.
What the minimum wage DOES affect is that small business owner hiring a teenager to sweep a warehouse after school, or that 3rd worker that he doesn't REALLY need, but can afford to help the guy out at only 7-8 bucks an hour. Raise min wage and all the sudden you cant afford to be doing that anymore, which means less jobs available. Even big stores like McDonalds are gonna cut costs and get by with as few workers as possible. Raise their prices because now their input costs are higher (even if they let people go and it actually went down) AND you'll have to wait in lines longer. Ever been to a walmart/target/whatever with the 30 different check outs
and only 3 of them with employees? Now imagine it down to 2 or even 1 lane. Less people working also means less people paying taxes, taxes that go to things such as welfare, which by the way will also be increased since less people working means higher amounts on welfare.
moved to China and Mexico and Thailand. Federal pixies like granting China most favored trade status and NAFTA have only accelerated the downward spiral we have been in since the late 90s. There is no easy fix without serious tariffs on imports and tremendous taxes on money leaving the country.
What the minimum wage DOES affect is that small business owner hiring a teenager to sweep a warehouse after school, or that 3rd worker that he doesn't REALLY need, but can afford to help the guy out at only 7-8 bucks an hour. Raise min wage and all the sudden you cant afford to be doing that anymore, which means less jobs available. Even big stores like McDonalds are gonna cut costs and get by with as few workers as possible. Raise their prices because now their input costs are higher (even if they let people go and it actually went down) AND you'll have to wait in lines longer. Ever been to a walmart/target/whatever with the 30 different check outs