Don't get me started on this topic XD I wrote my dissertation on zombies and viruses : 3
· 11 years ago
It would be more like an advanced mode of a prion. But yeah, it's possible.
Edit: Oh, then I would love to listen to you. I've been doing researching about that some months ago. Please share your opinion :)
Okay : 3 Well I wasn't a science student (sadly) I studied film, media etc, but I've always been fascinated with viruses & zombies etc, so I tailored my dissertation around that From H1N1 to Z1N1: Curing and Creating Disease in a Post-Millennial Science Fiction Cinema. That was my topic. I looked at where this fear of zombies stemmed from, had how it differs now compared to when it originated. Romero's Night of the Living Dead is considered Patient Zero of zombie films, and the origin of the zombie infection in his films, whilst generally unknown, was hinted at being from space, which fitted with the current times as it was made during the space race. Thus space was common topic, unknown and could hold dangers. Whereas now, we don't fear space, or even really think much about it. It's just common knowledge we have people up there, so the fear is nullified as nothing has happened in the 40+ years of space travel.
I'm running out of space to talk about this -.-
· 11 years ago
I've also made a research about that, but away from the films. I mean, the origin of the myth (which is real btw) and how it has become what now we do believe (there enters the movies) amd how it is scientificaly posible and viable that this could happen. God, now I'm thinking of making a post about this..
Now, due to widespread travel, transmission of infection is not only quick and easy, it is inevitable. With outbreaks such as Swine and Avian flu, SARs (to name a few) people are very much aware of the dangers. People are no longer scared of 'unknown zombies' because it isn't plausible, but a virus causing zombie like creatures? That is entirely plausable, even probable.
I mean even the CDC has a zombie preparedness site as they say : "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack". The intention of which is to prepare people for natural disasters: the side effect is that people see that as the CDC endorsing the likelihood of zombie attacks...
I digress I think I'll stop there. I could ramble on and on (I did, I wrote 10,000 words on the subject aha) so I'll leave it at that XD
Sorry to bore you XD
Oh and yeah I studied the origin as well! I just don't really know what to put when people ask my opinion on the matter, I have to much to say about it XD
· 11 years ago
It doesn't bore me! It's a thing that I enjoy so much. Maybe this night I'll make a post about this.. hmmm... would you like to contribute?
Yeah sure! Will probably go over my comment limit by then though XD
· 11 years ago
Hummm.. oh well, we can do something:
Email me ([email protected]) with all the info you have. I'll read it and add it to what I have. I have exams so it could delay till some days, but I think it will worth it. (of course you'll be mentioned )
I'll email you, but not just going to email all the info I have XD I have so much it wouldn't even fit into an email. But we can chat about it if you'd like : 3
· 11 years ago
Oh great, that was only a fast way :)
do you have kik or something to chat? I may not have that much time, but we can talk for several days till we end :)
I've already started to write something, which follows more or less this scheme:
1- Real definition of zombie (infected) vs Myth zombie.
2- Origin of the myth
3- How the myth have converted into what's nowaday.
4- Scientific explanation of an example of how it can happen (based on the infected def)
5- Some more additional data maybe?
Edit: Oh, then I would love to listen to you. I've been doing researching about that some months ago. Please share your opinion :)
I'm running out of space to talk about this -.-
I mean even the CDC has a zombie preparedness site as they say : "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack". The intention of which is to prepare people for natural disasters: the side effect is that people see that as the CDC endorsing the likelihood of zombie attacks...
I digress I think I'll stop there. I could ramble on and on (I did, I wrote 10,000 words on the subject aha) so I'll leave it at that XD
Sorry to bore you XD
Email me ([email protected]) with all the info you have. I'll read it and add it to what I have. I have exams so it could delay till some days, but I think it will worth it. (of course you'll be mentioned )
do you have kik or something to chat? I may not have that much time, but we can talk for several days till we end :)
I've already started to write something, which follows more or less this scheme:
1- Real definition of zombie (infected) vs Myth zombie.
2- Origin of the myth
3- How the myth have converted into what's nowaday.
4- Scientific explanation of an example of how it can happen (based on the infected def)
5- Some more additional data maybe?