But when The Doctor regenerates it feels like he dies to him and then his personality and stuff changes. But when David Tennant dies he is dead. At least you'll have Matt. I'll have a dead corpse.
I'm sorry. At least you don't live with the burden of living thousands of years. You and Barty will live out your old days together. Well just travel in time and regenerate a lot. Who knows what'll happen to us.
*snaps fingers* *sniper guns all focus on everyone's heads* If you don't stop prying...I'll burn you. I'll burn the HEART out of you. You can't be allowed to continue. You just can't. I would like to convince you but...everything I have to say has already crossed your mind!
*Suddenly emerges from the fight with explosives, steals Benedict from allthatjazz by threatening them, knocks him out and drags him to the boot of my car* LIKE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL YOU'RE TAKING HIM FROM ME!!!!!
*everything realizes it is a dummy of Benedict and screams in frustration and awe at allthatjazz's genius* * me and BC laugh maniacally our private jet flying to undisclosed location*
· 11 years ago
*still eats a cookie* this is better than the show, i tell you
Good point though, I'll just have to use birth control then...