Shut uuuuppp!! x 6 comments
· 9 years ago
" You take the high rode and I take the low road" I lost my shit haha
2015 9 comments
· 9 years ago
This is so true I can remember new years day last year crystal clear with specific details but I can't remember my birthday part or my first day of high school this year
Matt Smith in Terminator 6 comments
· 9 years ago
When my dad rented this movie he recognized him and yelled "Hey mom that boy in your room is in the movie!" And I ran down stairs and I yelled "Does he have eyebrows???"
TOMORROW 16 comments
Harrison Ford on French television 7 comments
When the gif I want to post is too large Dx 3 comments
We should make a movie about him, where his role's played by JarJar Binks 30 comments
· 9 years ago
I'll pay to make that movie! Who wants to pitch in? I have a snuggie, season five of America's most wanted ,and a half eaten tootsie roll.
Long exposure of a rotating Christmas tree 6 comments
Putting everything in perspective 9 comments
Who's your favorite Star Wars character? 28 comments
This cat is like "What have i become?" 5 comments
i don't know google can write poem. 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I read this in Cecil's voice and I don't know why, it seemed natural
Star Wars Countdown: 13 Days!!! 12 comments
Denny's I am confused 9 comments
· 9 years ago
David Tennant and eating pancakes forever is like the best possible thing in the world.
This is the guy who voiced Arnold on "Hey Arnold" 10 comments
· 9 years ago
All my family members used to laugh at me because when I was 6 I used to run to the T.V when it was on and say "he's my boyfriend"!! Whose lAuGhING nOw!
Just a scientific fact 10 comments
· 9 years ago
No like have you seen David Tennant?!? *unlocks my door* Sooo scary! Terrifying!
Barcelona! 4 comments
Happy Thanksgiving all! :) 17 comments