Because the modern definition of "racism" has changed from "stereotyping one race as better or worse than another" to "a white person insulting/making fun of another race." And I hate that :-(
Even the term they have for someone being racist against a white person is racist. "Reverse racism" implies that only white people can be racist. Isn't it horrible?
I am a white girl. I do not drink coffee, nor have I ever been to Starbucks. I do not have a phone at all, so I can't use Instagram. I don't have a stupid infinity tattoo. I don't straighten my hair because I can't fucking be bothered. I don't go to Victoria's Secret because I am fucking poor and I ain't paying $50 for a fucking bra. And although I wear Uggs, it is because I am lazy and I don't want to put on real shoes that match my outfit. So fuck all these white teenage girl stereotypes.
Aww poor you! Sorry Starbucks and uggs offend you so much. At least people don't look at you in Walmart cause they think you're gonna steal something like they do with my mom.
Freshhh I know you're upset about what happened to your mother,but is this really the answer? All you're doing is making others feel the same way that she did/does. You are becoming the very thing that you profess to hate.
Theese "white girl stereotypes" came from tumblr, and other social networks such as instagram, and vine. Many white males, and females inforce this stereotype for comedy purposes(other races also do it but it's beside the point). Black stereotypes came from over the years, back in the 20th century, made by whites, and black people inforce the stereotype for comedy purposes, so do other races. No, I'm not a random guest,I'm a proud black member of FS with an account.
· 11 years ago
I don't fully understand your point - using a stereotype to ridicule someone based upon their race is wrong, no matter the race of the person who does it. All races employ the 'white girl' stereotype, as all races employ the 'black man' stereotype. I do not think it's acceptable to use past events to justify racism towards white people nowadays - that just continues the cycle of hate. Instead, we all need to move forward together as one people. (Why didn't you log in?)
Seriously people? Every time there's one of these posts about "white girl" stuff people lose their minds. You're seriously so offended that people think you shop at Starbucks and Victoria's Secret? Try having people stereotype you on the things black/Mexican people get stereotyped for and then let me know how you feel. The thing is, though, you NEVER will. So please just shut your mouths.
· 11 years ago
So, what, white people can't be upset at racism towards them because it's not like racism against black people? That's just stupid.
So freshhh you don't think it would be racist to say something like "all Puerto Ricans shop at Kmart because its ghetto/cheap." (No I do not believe this,it is merely an example that I have heard spoken before.) The point is that it is propagating a stereotype.
What stereotype about white people is preventing them from getting a job or getting approved for a bank loan? White people don't see racism because it never happens to them. You think being poked fun at for liking coffee is racist? You're too sensitive. You would never make it in this world with that attitude if you were black. My mom worked her ass off through school when everyone tried to hold her back because of racism. She's come home crying over men who had to break up with her because their parents were racist. She has a masters degree but still gets spied on from workers at a store simply because she's black. I hate when white people complain about getting stereotyped over these stupid things when it's really not affecting their life whatsoever. It makes you look spoiled.
I'm sorry for what happened to your mother,but if anything it should make you more adverse to racism of ANY kind. As Agent said above it is only continuing the cycle of hate.You complain about your mother being stereotyped,but you then go on to defend a stereotype against a different group. I'm sorry but this seems not only to be the very definition of racism but also a tad hypocritical on your part.
· 11 years ago
Fresh, white people are held back from jobs nowadays because of the colour of their skin (see: affirmative action / positive discrimination) and so, it could be argued, I have lost out on opportunities because I am not 'disadvantaged'. I certainly know my mum has missed out on promotions so the company could fill their 'quota of disadvantaged'. Also, there is PLENTY of racism against white people - not just about things like coffee and Uggs, but that's where things start - by thinking that type of thing is acceptable. So in fact white people ARE affected by racism and CAN be held back by the colour of their skin, but white people just aren't allowed to say anything about it because otherwise we are "too sensitive". However, even though I have experienced it, I do not think that means others should too - it needs to stop for EVERYONE, but your attitude would instead have the hate just focused totally on Caucasians, which is wrong.
I'm sorry about your mother, fresh. But people do get offended over racist things, because it's ok to publicly mock white people, because of our color. I was bullied, because of my skin for years. And I am a white female. I have told this to very few people, because the answer I got, was always "It wasn't because of your skin color. It must have been something you did to them." I never did a blooming thing to them, and it was because of my skin color, because they said things like, "You're ugly because you're white." "You stupid because you're white." "We hate you because you're white." Now, I assume the reason they told me that I would be better off dead and my parents hated me, is probably because I was the only white kid in my class. It's not fair, that I was told it was fine, and to 'grow a thicker skin' and a black child being picked on (by black and white people) that 'they were just racist bullies, and they would get their comeuppance, and that you need to be strong.'
Partychick, it's not okay to publicly mock people over their color, but it seems like all the "black people like watermelon and fried chicken" posts are okay and nobody complains about that, but "white people like Starbucks and iPhones" aren't okay. I just don't like the apparent double standard. I respect your struggle 100%. I've been through the same thing in middle/high school. I never felt like I fit in with my white classmates, even though I am half white. I don't mean to disrespect anyone on here but it just makes me angry sometimes. Why do people say white stereotype posts are racist but nobody ever wants to say the black stereotype posts are?
I think the black stereotypes are racist, and I've seen mixed reactions on both. I wish both would stop, because stereotypes do nothing but hurt peoples feelings, and make others mad. If and when I see a black stereotype post, (never seen one on fs, though, not saying that there isn't any) I usually comment how it's mean and offensive. It makes me angry, mainly because no matter what you do, there will always be racist fucktards out there,