Lol not with all that physical pain. Big difference. I'm speaking from an athletes point of view that's suffered a pretty horrible leg injury. They aren't fun and can't be gotten over as easily as public speaking. I have stage fright but I'd rather do that then walk around with the leg injury I had before
· 11 years ago
I...think peaches was saying people with social anxiety are still able to do it, buddy :)
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
public speaking is one of the biggest fears, and a lot of people will have to do it. So, the more you practice the better you get, if you go to PE with a broken leg it will just get worse.
Interesting fact: People with anxiety have difficulty in differentiating between physiological and psychological stress. This means that when your heart rate increases, or you start to sweat from physical activity, an anxious person will interpret that as anxiety, which will create a positive feedback loop and increase the feelings of anxiety. In more severe cases, increases in heart rate from physical activity can actually cause panic attacks because of this misinterpretation. One of the main therapies for anxiety (after medication) is trigger awareness and reprogramming. Anxiety is one of the easiest mental disorders to treat since a lot of it is just self-fulfilling prophecy (i.e. "I think I'm going to feel anxious, and therefore I do"). Anxiety is therefore the easiest to trewat without medication, although it often helps. Exposure therapy is another cornerstone of anxiety treatment; involving exposing yourself to the things that frighten you so you can get used to them.
Other things you can do include cutting out caffeine or other stimulants that increase heart rate. Increase your intake of magnesium and taurine which have a natural calming effect via the NMDA receptors in the brain. Deep breathing that stimulates the vagus nerve. lots of other things too.
Um okay. I dont get anxiety while doing gym, I get it about gym, among other things. No offense, but I dont need such . . . medical suggestions. Its not really a problem anymore. Oh the power of medication.
The nice guest was just trying to help! I know I learnt something from reading that, even if it wasn't relevant to my situation or it wasn't suggesting something to do with me, you could have just said "Thank you, that's not what I meant but cool information to know" :)
What if you're an introvert... public speaking is like forcing someone to go against his/her beliefs (I.e. religion) just a thought, be kind my FS family..
I think that's a bit of a stretch. I don't think anybody believes that public speaking is morally wrong.
That said, I'm an introvert and I love public speaking.
That said, I'm an introvert and I love public speaking.