Please guest, do explain what you believe is wrong with being gay. And before you say some shit about the Old Testament, please, take a good long look at what else the old testament says, because I bet you won't agree with half of that shit
Yes yes you are correct. But those laws were abolished, as explained in the bible. Hey, I've got nothing against homosexuals. My brother is gay and i love him to bits but I also love God. People tend to pick things out of the bible out of context in order to make it sound silly like "wearing mixed cloth"... which if you read the bible, you would know the law was removed. Not trying to hate or judge here... I just want people to know the truth. So yes the bible states that homosexuality is wrong and that law was not abolished like the others, but NO ONE has the right to judge. We are to love our neighbours. Whether you believe in god, evolution, or flying unicorns, everyone needs to stop picking on eachothers beliefs.
Beards can be shaven no matter your religion... My cousin is gay and I have NO problem with that... Guests should really think their comments through once in a while
Whether this picture is fake or not, you really do have to watch what you say around them. I have a friend who's a belieber (before I get people saying "why are you friends with her" she's okay as long as you don't bring up Justin Bieber) and I was telling my other friend about how my grandfather has a late slip signed by Justin Bieber from when he was his substitute teacher, and she started going on about how Justin would never ever have to get a late slip and how I wasn't there and had no proof that my grandfather has a late slip signed by him and I told her "yeah well neither do you so shut the hell up" and she fucking punched me.
with all of the illegal shit he's been doing he is a bad influence and teaching these fans that this shit is acceptable. I would not be surprised if a belieber acted out in a sudden and/or violent way.
Give it time... just be patient.
If nothing happens this round, he'll eventually cause a DUI fatality and then there will be hell to pay. The family will file a series of wrongfull death cases... one against the biebs and one against every justice level that failed to properly punish him, which would likely have prevented their death.
It's gonna happen.
That "Afluenza" nonsense is bullshit. The families of the victims need to file wrongful death suits against the parents and crucify them in court... cure them of their affluence.
DFACS aught to take a look at the family too... doesn't understand the repercussions of his actions? Yep, he ain't getting raised right.
Clearly. I'm sure the kid knows the consequences of his actions. The consequences were the deaths of that family. Doesn't know the consequences!? He killed people! That was just... awful. Whoever came up with that crap... How can they sleep at night?
Just seeing that girl's braid laying in this girl's lap makes me want to cry. It must've taken her forever to grow her hair that long and then some psychopathic bitch chops it off just because she made a rude joke. This is horrible. I just...
Why? Is being gay some sort of superpower? Does it erase all his wrong doings? Cause it shouldn't. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they can't be a terrible person.
Tits, I'm not saying I like him. I would love nothing more than to hear of his death. But his being gay is a redeeming quality, not a very powerful one but it is. He's still a horrible human being. I just want to hear about him being some bears little bitch:3
Being gay shouldn't be a redeeming quality. Your sexual preference should not make you a better or worse person. It shouldn't matter of he's gay or not.
If nothing happens this round, he'll eventually cause a DUI fatality and then there will be hell to pay. The family will file a series of wrongfull death cases... one against the biebs and one against every justice level that failed to properly punish him, which would likely have prevented their death.
It's gonna happen.
That "Afluenza" nonsense is bullshit. The families of the victims need to file wrongful death suits against the parents and crucify them in court... cure them of their affluence.
DFACS aught to take a look at the family too... doesn't understand the repercussions of his actions? Yep, he ain't getting raised right.