I once applied for a job at my parents old friends bakery. Long story short because we were friends, she wanted to pay me in cookies. When I said no, she decided $3/hr was good enough. I quit the next day.
There's truth right there. Minimum wage is supposed be for teenagers. There are way too many adults being paid minimum wage. People need to stop pretending you can live off that.
I've figured out that the only people that actually believe one (let alone a family) can live off of minimum wage, are those who've never had to work for minimum wage.
Late to the party by three years but I just like to randomly flip through this. Anyone who doesn’t have the drive to not work for minimum wage deserves what they get. It’s easy for a guy like Chris Rock to speak down about people doing so. He’s forgotten where he comes from.
You get paid what you settle for. Don’t listen to people who are famous and get paid to entertain you for “wisdom”. If you stop listening they’ll end up back at that minimum wage job.
You get paid what you settle for. Don’t listen to people who are famous and get paid to entertain you for “wisdom”. If you stop listening they’ll end up back at that minimum wage job.