Tie till 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Portugal did this and at first they had a crime spike but after that drug-related crime went down to almost zero
American date 17 comments
After granpa borrowed my computer 10 comments
Could it be? 13 comments
How to trick people into using the escalator 2 comments
The most frustrating thing about trying to get started in IT 9 comments
· 10 years ago
They dont. They say that to keep applications down.
Same with colleges. They say their avg gpad and requirements are higher to bog down apps.
Submit no matter what.
Same with colleges. They say their avg gpad and requirements are higher to bog down apps.
Submit no matter what.
This Is So True!!! 102 comments
· 10 years ago
The second one if she had a good personality. Doesnt matter how someone looks if theyre an asshole im not gon a like them.
Did you know 8 comments
Tumblr fanfiction at its best 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Happened to me pnce and I led an in depth discussion about the multiverse theory and the scientific end of pi
Any objections? 65 comments
· 10 years ago
People dont know where the fuck it is. They think its part of aus not an island to the south east