I gotta admit, I was a little scared when I saw two figures approaching the camera, so it was a relief, and then.. It was just so sad. It saddens me even more that this is probably what I would do, since I don't really label spending time with a guy as a date.
Because magic nigga. Just don't mention it to lucifer. He doesn't like witchcraft
· 11 years ago
my best friends 'first kiss' he took her up to the porch, and went in to kiss her (keep in mind, he was a little shorter then her) and he completely missed. He barley brushed her cheek and then ran back to his car, where the others were (it was a double date). So ya know it could have been worse. He could have missed in front of an audience! XD
Dear broman on the holy couch up high we come to you today in rememberance of our fallen brother. He did his best with what he thought was a date but was tragically just a social meeting. We ask that you give this man the courage to fight again and find the perfect lady. In broman's name we pray, Amen.
I mean that with love sparklez. :3