As much as I think it's a bad idea to drop out of school, those are some damn good looking cupcakes! If they taste half as good as they look she might had a really successful business on her hands
· 11 years ago
it looks like fondant which is kinda gross. but they are wicked talented and besides the decorations they are probably good. :)
I agree. It's still good to finish her education for doing the paper work
· 11 years ago
While I agree that these do look very well decorated I do not agree that it was a good idea to drop out of school, at the age of 16, to start a business.
Alright, I am probably unpopular opinion puffin over here but here it goes. What the hell is the point of going to school? To get a job, learn a trade, succeed in life, go on to do something you love to do, be successful at it and not end up working at McDonalds the rest of your life, yeah? So what's the big deal here? This girl is obviously talented and motivated. She wanted to get a head start on her life, her passion, her dream and she OBVIOUSLY has the skill to back up her intentions and actions. I say good for her, these cupcakes look totally bad ass and I'm sure she has little to no competition on her around her area. And just think, she is only 16 and she has years of experience and practice ahead of her. I wish her the best and i hope she keeps her chin up from all the nay-sayers and people looking down their noses at her just because she was able to pursue her dream, and achieve it when so many others couldn't even dream of such a happy possibility.
Coming from someone who used to feel like this, and still sometimes feels like this, we all have to have a plan B. School is very important as a plan B, even if the career you want to pursue doesn't have much to do with education. I want to become a fashion model/designer, and obviously there isn't much at school that will help me out in that. It's always better to begin at a young age (I'm 15), but I realized that maybe it's better to stay in school while I'm at it. I can't be 100% on my dream job because in reality, anything could go wrong, and it'll be too late to get the opportunities you had in school for a second chance. Unless you feel like you have the money, or connections, I gotta go against the "drop out of school" thing.
Totally agree, with both of you, lol. I just think it is so odd, to look down on a person who is pursuing their career of choice, just because it's a bit early to do so. tbhidk, I def get what you mean by " plan b" and being prepared for when things don't go as planned. I don't think it's ever a good plan to just say " To hell with it, I'll just drop out", but from what OP said, she has a business opportunity, has the skills and motivation to back up said opportunity and is going for it. In the world of herding students like cash cattle and so many people ( both college students and non graduates) finding it so hard to find a job at all, or even harder, one a person can stand and excel in, I think it's a beautiful and inspiring achievement for someone, even so young, to be able to achieve a dream they have and succeed in the business world by perusing their interests, which is so hard, borderline unheard of, these days.
No durell, "school levels are not set too high," you are just stupid. Your parent's were expected to learn to determine the area of a triangle just the same. If anything, school has been dummed down for "No Child left behind" so that you and your idiot freinds can feel good about theirselves and "pass."
The right site to learn? You are actually right... only it's a physical location called your school.
That statistic? You imagined it or made it up. Statistics don't actually prove shit. News organizations just regurgitate them to legitimize what ever sensationalist report their hawking to the lowest common denominator this week... to you actually, from the sound of it.
Stay in school or I'll be ordering my #4 from you on the way to my next business convention.
The right site to learn? You are actually right... only it's a physical location called your school.
That statistic? You imagined it or made it up. Statistics don't actually prove shit. News organizations just regurgitate them to legitimize what ever sensationalist report their hawking to the lowest common denominator this week... to you actually, from the sound of it.
Stay in school or I'll be ordering my #4 from you on the way to my next business convention.