I'm pretty sure most linguists would go with jif, since g becomes soft when it's followed by e, i or y (see: giraffe, gyrate, genius).
But they'd be wrong, it's fucking gif.
Right, definitely not any words that have gi with no u and still make a g sound instead of j. Quick google shows gib, gibbon, gibbous, gibson, giddy, and many more aren't actually words since they don't have a u in front of the i.
guys i hope all of you realize that just because "graphics" and other words start with a hard g doesn't mean gif starts with a hard g. would you tell shaq that his name is pronounced "shock"? ownership belongs to him, therefore he is right. fuckfaces.
But they'd be wrong, it's fucking gif.
Get = "Jet"
Jif Peanut butter = "Gif peanut butter"
Jet = "Get"
Just ask the "linguists"