

I' m a guy who may or may not cry... like a chicken

— Jesse Report User
Hello FS I'm here to provide you with cuteness. Day 1 of your daily dose of cute 50 comments
cryingchicken · 4 years ago
Haven't been in this site for years, kinda nostalgic. Any idea what happened to days 2 and 366? No particular reason, just curious
Quality time with dog 6 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
The "I'm Dashing" killed me
No idea if this is true 27 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
Where are my testicles, Summer?
hoo rah 42 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
yeah, now I'm gonna go find a safe place and cry, thank you very much
hoo rah 42 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
well this post hurt my feelings
The scariest farm animal 13 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
well you terrify me
ok 21 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
Can I have a relationship with a wasp though?
Tom Hiddleston is such a sweet man! 36 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
Oh, here come the waterworks
lowkey 2 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
there is nothing lowkey about this
Hard to find nowadays 6 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
What the hell do you mean by people!!
No they are not! I was attacked by one once 14 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
my legs arent that skinny are they :(
I'm Alive in my ass 396 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
iron hands in my ass... oh boy
Which movie is this advertising? 39 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
ok so deadpools marketing is on point, even if the movie ends up bad people should take note
Gotta catch 'em all 7 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
dusk balls baby
Seems like a common problem 24 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
my people
Hilarious, worth the watch, there is plenty of swearing so beware 8 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
still a funny video though
Hilarious, worth the watch, there is plenty of swearing so beware 8 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
this video was published in 2013?
Proud non reader of books 24 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
He actually has a few really good songs too. Just most people only heard the one with kim, bound 2 (which is mostly shit)
Ouch!! 12 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
Some people call me Maurice
Proud non reader of books 24 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
if somebody doesn't like reading books, that's fine. But as a rapper he should probably want to be "wordy"
I honestly don't understand 39 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
I think it's less that their new shows are shit, and more that we're not their target demographic. Our parents probably didn't like our shows that much either
Santa granted our wish! 26 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
he even looks like an asshole
This Is Probably World's Worst Sketch That Presented As Evidence To The Grand Jury 2 comments
cryingchicken · 8 years ago
this is the kind of stuff you see in a sitcom