There isn't going to be a funeral. They don't believe in them. They say it's "worshiping the dead."
· 11 years ago
Nobody should picket his funeral. He was a horrible person and westboro baptist are terrible people, but if they picket his funeral, they aren't any better than he was.
Protesting his funeral, even if he did have one, would be stooping to their level. He caused a lot of pain and grief. He displayed despicable acts of hatred towards innocent people. But picketing his funeral, disrupting their services, would make us no better. He was excommunicated by the monster he created. His life had no peace, and he will find none in death when he goes to meet the God he claimed he was working for. He is receiving his punishment, now. No need for us to to do anything but move on. With his actions of most evil intent, he actually did some good by showing people the inhuman cruelty of homophobia. So, to Fred Phelps, I hold no love, but also no hatred towards you. There will be no funeral. There will be no memorial service. His "church" doesn't believe in "worshiping the dead". All we can do is remember the man whose vile hatred caused pain and grief to so many, and never let it happen again. And there's bigger fish to fry, such as Scott Lively.
Fred Phelps, I hope you enter the kingdom of god. Before you down vote me, let me explain. I work with the Catholic Church a lot, and if I've learned anything it's to love everyone as brothers and sisters. "Love thy enemy." I pray that Phelps does not recieve eternal punishment for what's he's done (even though it's horrible) but instead is forgiven by God.
The God of the Westboro Baptist Church may hate gays, minorities, etc. but my God loves everyone. Including the criminals and murderers and those who have done wrong. We are all his children and we all deserve respect.
I respect you, I respect what you believe in, but I believe that bad guys go to hell.
So my hope is that WBC, alongside all the murderers, rapists, and terrorists, are currently burning in their own hell.
It just doesn't seem right to me for bad guys to go to the good place.
This was taken wrong, I disagree with all that they've done, but if we make it a big deal that he's died then the westboro church will get more fame, we should just ignore them all
So my hope is that WBC, alongside all the murderers, rapists, and terrorists, are currently burning in their own hell.
It just doesn't seem right to me for bad guys to go to the good place.