How is cutting your self braver than being a solider hell how is cutting your self even considered brave, you keep saying that word but I don't think it means what you think it means.
Theres bravery and then theres utter attention seeking stupidity justified by the fact that someones going through a tough time. Newsflash: homeless people are going through tough times, do you see them cutting themselves or out there being proactive instead of reactive and doin shit about it.
I did, but in the meantime before I knew, I only had that. Nobody understands depression until you have it. I could've easily ended my life, but instead I only hurt myself.
I have depression and have thought about cutting myself before. You know what I'm currently doing right now? Choir, ROTC, Boy scouts, Church. I'm still depresses and an introvert but I'm making myself not have an excuse to self-harm. Saying depression is a reason to cut yourself is like saying you have a right to crash your car because you own one. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
I understand exactly what you're saying. Thank you for not being a jerk about it, too. It really means a lot to me. People handle things differently when under pressure. I'm not saying I agree with this picture at all. I don't think of self harm as "bravery", especially over people fighting for our country. I currently got involved in more activities and don't self harm because I realized how dumb it was to constantly put a permanent scar on my body that one day my kids will have to see.
When you need help you don't take a fucking picture of it. In fact, you tend to do it on parts of your body noone will ever see or where it's unlikely that they will be seen
I don't know if this helps Rose that don't understand... but it isn't because you're suicidal x_x like if a person cuts it usually isn't with the intent to die x_x its more that there's so much emotional pain that the physical pain is almost a relief... when you're physically hurt you don't think about other pain your focus shifts you know?
It is a relief from pain. They hate themselves so much they want to hurt themselves. I have so many people in my life who have suffered this this. The cutting isn't the actual bravery, it's the willing to go through life with those scars. I know this because I had a period of depression and I will admit I did this. But there's so "real bravery" there's just bravery. It's all full in its own way.
My sister's friend cuts herself. She showed me her scars and fresh marks and I told her that if she needed help, I would be there to get her some. The friend told me no because she didn't want anyone to see her scars. Yet she showed me the first time we met before she even knew I was her friend's sister. There is no bravery in being an attention whore.
I get that but were not all like that. My friend found them by squeezing my arm the day after and he made me show him. He does it too but we do what we can so no one sees them. I regret ever starting but its not a matter of simply stopping. It's brave that they're still living, even with the scars. But the soldiers are no less brave
Some people cut because they are mentally/emotional traumatized or unstable, it isn't always for attention though a lot people do it for that purpose. Either way I wouldn't call it bravery.
Cutting is actually a display of weakness not bravery. Your life is shit so instead of making it better you are making it worse. My ex would cut and then say how much she hates the scars. Having self harm scars are literally your fault. You can't blame anyone else for the scars. True strength or "bravery" is going through a mental issue like depression and anxiety and not cutting or attempting suicide.
Then what do you do? Since you seem to know so much about how depression works. I've cut for multiple reasons. I never told anyone about me being raped constantly at age 10 until I was a Freshmen in High School.
I had nothing. It helped. I have BATTLE SCARS. Don't try defining something you know nothing about. You don't understand what goes thru our head when so much has happened to us.
Being diagnosed with clinical depression and have a suicidal girlfriend gives me a very good idea what goes through our heads. They arnt battle scars because they are self inflicted. And I'm actually really sorry you took what I said as being offensive. I can't imagine what it's like to be you.
Well I'm glad you at least understand. I'm in recovery as of now, but I never considered cutting "bravery". It wasn't to me. It's a stupid thing to ever bring upon yourself. I understand why people have done it tho. You feel like there is nothing more to do. Once damage is done to yourself, you hurt yourself just to see that it's real. It's more psychological than anything.
People romanticize anything. People romanticize pirates, simple outlaws who kill, rape, steal, destroy, and otherwise make life a living hell for anyone in their path. People romanticize the medieval, an age of war, disease, opression, segregation, severe economical or other inequality, etc. People romanticize everything and anything, so why stop at self harm?
When you typed up this response did you ever stop to think that the Medieval ages took place HUNDREDS of years in the past and no one in our society lives under those circumstances, making it practically harmless and the same goes for pirates (as most of us think of them.)
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Lots of people around the world still live in medieval conditions, and there are still pirates, so dorkykong is actually right.
I cant even believe half of the comments on this post. Yeah I can see where youre all coming from with the part about her being attention seeking but you cant just say that there is something wrong with people who have done it or still do. Its just not right.
Also, having scars does not make you any less beautiful. They are proof that you were able to make it through something. Im not saying you should be proud of them but just because you have them doesnt mean youre weak. For some when they do it, its because they dont have another way to deal with it. They cannot just simply make their life better. I have lost alot of respect for users scrolling through this. Dont say anything if you dont know half of whats going on.
If you have visible scars from self harm you're not any uglier than you were before, and anyone who thinks that aren't worth anyone else's time. They are a sign that you weren't completely strong enough to go through it all, though. There are examples of people who've gone through things that are as bad or worse without resorting to self harm, but just because they don't have scars they're not as brave as people with scars? I'd say people with scars are weaker than people who have gone through the same without scars.
Down vote me all you fucking want, i dont care. Cutting should never be the answer, i honestly think its ridiculously idiotic to cut/harm yourself. My best friend cut her self and I could not even try to make myself feel sorry for her, because of how stupid it is to do that. How would that even remotely solve the problem, hurting yourself because "no one understands" or because you cant get help? Obviously there is someone else in the world who has gone through the same thing(or somthing like it). I do not think cutting is brave AT ALL its just stupid
I know it isn't exactly the same, and I didn't want to share it earlier because I honestly don't enjoy telling people, but if it helps you (and other people reading this comment section) kind of understand why certain people harm themselves then I think it's worth it. I have been a self-mutilator since I started high school, not so severe that I slash myself with a razor and nearly bleed out like some do, but I do hurt myself sometimes. Usually what happens is I have an anxiety attack and I claw at my right forearm with my own nails. But the thing is that most of the time I don't realize what I'm doing until I look down at my swollen bloody arm, I don't even feel it until what I see what I've done. At best I am only semi aware that I am clawing myself and I'm too wrapped up in what I'm freaking out about to stop myself. It's a compulsion that I can't control and as a result I have some light scarring. When people ask about the scars I usually lie and say I fell off my bike.
But my boyfriend knows and I know that it upsets him when he sees new scratches. It breaks my heart that I upset him like that but I can't make it stop, I would if I could.
And just pointing out that I don't think any form of self harm is "bravery" because no other coping mechanisms or compulsions are considered brave so why should this be, and that there are definitely a lot of melodramatic pre-teens and teens doing it for attention.
I appreciate that you have replied to my post(and not in a rude way either) although i do not think that cutting is bravery-i do think it is brave that you have admitted it to your boyfriend. I still think that it is stupid to cut but I will keep what you have said in mind next time.
I think it's a lot more understandable what you're doing jessylynn. At least, it's easier to understand than cutting with knives or razors. That said I still don't like the fact that you do it, and I sincerely hope that you manage to pull through without much more of it. One thing you could do is to practically live with your bf. He can stop you when you claw yourself. Though mainly and almost solely momentary, the help is instant. I would pray for you if I was religious, but since I'm a Humanist I'll do something better: I'll think about you, and from the deepest bottom of my heart I hope that you pull through whatever it is you're going through.
want2see: Your comment baffled me slightly. I guess I kind of agree with you in the sense that I too see self harm as less brave than going through the exact same thing without it, but the fact that you couldn't feel sorry for your best friend when she started hurting herself is just unbelievable. I find myself hoping that she "dumped" your arse, because how can you not feel sorry for her? When I found out that one of my best friends (yes, I have several best friends, you wanna fight about it?) was suicidal I almost panicked. She can be annoying at times, and sometimes I wonder if we're really close enough to be called best friends, but I love her and the thought of actually losing her forever was devastating to me.
I usually think of self harm and suicide as cowardly, but the thought of actually losing someone I love when I could do something about it was, as I said, devastating. How it wasn't devastating to you when your best friend said she was cutting herself is beyond me.
Dorkykong: I didnt say that it wasn't devastating to me when I found out (and i have many best friends too) i just could not feel bad for her that she is/was cutting. I was worried that I was going to lose her if she did become suicidle but it's not like i could do anything about it. My reaction to finding out was getting angry and annoyed about it 1-because again I could do nothing 2- because i belived that cutting achieves nothing and would not help. Yes this person and i are still best friends.
You can't directly do anything about it, that's true. There's no switch you can flick to disable it. There is something you can do, however. You can talk to them. It doesn't have to be about self-harm. It doesn't even have to be a serious talk. Just spend time with them. Never get angry or annoyed. Often one of the major reason for them cutting themselves is that they don't feel like they have friends, and don't want to make arrangements themselves because they feel like they're being annoying. Make arrangements yourself, and include them. Spend time with them on your own initiative. Make it hard for them to find opportunities to cut themselves, and try to make them forget that they're suicidal. Don't mention self-harm or suicide.
I am completely outraged by this. There are brave men and women who sacrifice so much for the people of this nation, yet people who make a decision to self harm are considered more brave? Ridiculous. In my own humble opinion, the choice of self harm is the opposite, cowardly if you will. Someone who is truly brave would go do something about their situation, and not make it worse by inflicting pain on themselves.
I think both are different kinds of bravery. The cutting would be considered bravery to me because you're still alive even though times are rough and if you aren't an attention seeker. It's pretty obvious why the top picture is bravery.
Self harm isn't bravery. This comment is going to be very blunt, and I'm sorry, but I just can't help it. I have a headache and a really annoying cough, so I just can't think of any other ways to say this at the present moment, but I've got to say it. Self harm is on the other side of the bravery spectrum. Real bravery is not resorting to self harm. Bravery is going through all that without giving in. Sorry to say it like this, but self harm is cowardly, and suicide is even more cowardly.
Those are palestinian soldiers. isreali soldiers don't ever wear black. Plus you ould see the isreali flag on their uniforms. Those are israeli soldiers. the picture that you put up was propaganda bull crap.
Half and half. Im not fonna lie and say israel didnt kill more. But there are reasons. Palestinians would have suicide bombers, they would train their own children (at least hamas does) and when firing rockets the wouldnt do it from military bases, they wluld do it in hospitals and schools. There's a reason theres more dead on their side, the only difference is non of the people care to say it.
I had nothing. It helped. I have BATTLE SCARS. Don't try defining something you know nothing about. You don't understand what goes thru our head when so much has happened to us.
Also, having scars does not make you any less beautiful. They are proof that you were able to make it through something. Im not saying you should be proud of them but just because you have them doesnt mean youre weak. For some when they do it, its because they dont have another way to deal with it. They cannot just simply make their life better. I have lost alot of respect for users scrolling through this. Dont say anything if you dont know half of whats going on.
I usually think of self harm and suicide as cowardly, but the thought of actually losing someone I love when I could do something about it was, as I said, devastating. How it wasn't devastating to you when your best friend said she was cutting herself is beyond me.
They TORAH a new one ehh? eh?