Hay bale empire 10 comments
· 9 years ago
And then came the hungry wolf and blew it down.
There's this vehicle here in Buenos Aires 3 comments
Priorities 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I believe it was either the season finale for season 8, the episode before that, or the first episode of season 9.
Edited 10 years ago
Priorities 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Definitely the worse. Lexie dies, Mark falls into a coma, wakes up for a day or so (I believe) and then falls back into a coma until Shepard and Torres eventually un-plug him. Shepard ends up with serious neurological damage to his hand (which is later on repaired, but for a while you are lead to believe he will never be able to operate again). Arizona looses her leg, which leads to extreme relationship problems between her and Callie and an eventual breakup. And, although Meredith and Christina don't go through severe physical damage, everyone ends up with severe emotional trauma (not including, of course, those who DIED).
Definitely the worse. Lexie dies, Mark falls into a coma, wakes up for a day or so (I believe) and then falls back into a coma until Shepard and Torres eventually un-plug him. Shepard ends up with serious neurological damage to his hand (which is later on repaired, but for a while you are lead to believe he will never be able to operate again). Arizona looses her leg, which leads to extreme relationship problems between her and Callie and an eventual breakup. And, although Meredith and Christina don't go through severe physical damage, everyone ends up with severe emotional trauma (not including, of course, those who DIED).
Guess who's procrastinating right now! 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm sitting in front of by textbook right now.... but I just cant seem to get to it.
Australia for you. 63 comments
· 10 years ago
Here in Miami its not even cool enough for a sweater. You can walk down the street in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt and still end up sweating.
Homer Simpson's Favorite Planet 16 comments
· 10 years ago
What about all the balloons that flew away, would they just stay in the center?
Yet another compilation 13 comments
Amazing Animated Optical Illusions! 4 comments
Those amazing eyes 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Cats pupils also get dilated when they're ready to attack, or see something that they would like to attack. Or simply when they get scared.
Bad luck cro-magnon? 15 comments
Bad luck cro-magnon? 15 comments
Colorful diets are important 11 comments
Kitten bookmarks are a big hit 5 comments
· 10 years ago
That moment when my friend and I own brother cats that look identical, and I remember hers went missing a few days ago...
Kitten bookmarks are a big hit 5 comments
Dinner time oh boy oh boy oh boy 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I remember writing a paragraph about this a while back, clearing things up about the megaesophagus condition.