As a woman I'm going to say this actually works completely, however you must first interact with her, makes her feel special (not playing with her just like you know being good to her, don't over-do it or you'll end up in the friendzone) after making her feel special ignore her for about a week or two; believe me it'll drive her nuts.
They're telling the truth. I haven't been interested in a whole lot of girls but the two I actually liked at my school ended up liking me after I ignored them some. One had no interest in me and I stopped talking to her nearly as much and she ended up liking me needless to say by that time I liked the other girl and she liked me. But nothing happened and I talked to her less and then she liked me lol you just have to show you know how to treat them. Hell everyone thought I was with both of them at a the certain point in time because of how close we were and how much we'd hang out but we weren't and when everyone heard that they were just like, well you guys need to be! It's just how you go about it
yes but if i do everything but ignore her, thats about a 25% chance and doesnt make me feel like a dick
· 11 years ago
False, at least for women not girls. Then again if your older you should know better.
· 11 years ago
I'm quite a shy girl, I like when people talk to me! What will happen to shy girls who don't have the guts to walk up to a guy when all men ignore us? Please don't follow this advice guys! I can assure you it's not gonna work on most girls. :)
As a girl I can honestly say if a guy ignored me I would be offended and think there was something wrong with me, but if a guy acts too interested I would think he was creepy. Just be a relaxed and funny and ask her on a date before she puts you in the friend zone
This is complete rubbish. If you honestly want to impress a girl you don't ignore her, especially if you really like her. Complete total horse honkey guys.
If a guy ignored me and never spoke to me, I would automatically think he isn't interested in me so I would eventually just give up and stop waiting for him to come up and talk to me. Just be confident with what you say and do, but don't ignore her if you really want to be with her.