Yeah I know. Those artists are putting themselves out there which not a lot can do because of the fear of criticism, rejection, etc. it's one thing if you don't like it, but don't be rude. Because you don't have to look at it.
· 11 years ago
I usually don't care what they say about my art. If they don't like creativity and art, they can shut their mouths and move on.
Hey, Funsubstance Team!
Its annoying..
Everytime i open fs on my iphone your ads make my appstore app start and i get kicked out of my browser..
Can you guys please review your ad-partners before they put such annoying stuff on fs? It would be a lot bether..
This shouldn't be happening as we only use Google ads for our mobile sites. Please send us a message with the app name and we'll look into it.
· 11 years ago
I cant send you the app name that the appstore loads because my iphone firmware is 4.x and the appstore dont load on that firmware the content of the appstore sites correctly - but lovedance427 and supergirl can maybe name some appnames.. would be nice^^ its annoying to get kicked out of fs every 2 minutes. And maybe i can look if i can log it tomorow with wireshark.
Its annoying..
Everytime i open fs on my iphone your ads make my appstore app start and i get kicked out of my browser..
Can you guys please review your ad-partners before they put such annoying stuff on fs? It would be a lot bether..
*hint hint, wink wink*