Yeah, that's what I said about Animorphs.... And Gone.... And oh so many others..... No character is ever safe.... Especially if they're your favorite....
Have you read them all? If not I don't think I spoiled too much by saying someone who's point of view is said dies, that's already happened a couple times
I know!! It was one of those endings that you didn't for the likes of you expect coming, but when it happened it was still so satisfying (especially since before Light came out I honestly thought Fear was the last book)
Can you not? There are so many posts about it already. The Divergent series is fairly new, and is gaining fans quickly. Imagine preparing yourself to read a series. Then you come onto this website, and the entire plot is destroyed, because some fuckers decide to fuck it up, and share spoilers. Thats for being a dick. ~The Entire Divergent Fanbase
I sat here for two minutes trying to figure out why the allegiant posts sounded so familiar... I browsed to pages down before I realised it's the damn book I'm busy with! All you spoilers can go step on a lego :"(!!!
Ugh ok I understand a few people accidentally spoil Allegiant but the rest are being fucking idiots and trolling with every sonjai here who hasn't read it.
Dude, spoilers aren't cool. Maybe if the book came out like 3-4 years ago it would be different, but it's only been out for 5 months. Plus, a bunch of people must've seen the movie and wanted to read the books but now you ruined it for them.
People should really stop DOWNVOTING EVERY PERSON who mentions Allegiant. Most are just saying the name of the book and their feelings. OH COME ON GUYS like you didn't think someone was going to die in the last book IT'S A FUCKING WAR. THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS. WHAT IF I DOWNVOTED ALL YOU TWATS WHO MENTIONED THE NAME OR A CHARACTER IN A BOOK OR MOVIE JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T WATCH OR SEE IT? pretty confused, right? I thought so.
· 11 years ago
It's a series that's currently gaining a lot of new fans, who are only just starting with the first book, so being told the ending of the series in every other post is just plain annoying. And the fact that several people are doing it, despite seeing the previous angry reactions, makes it worse; generally the only series endings people talk about openly are ones that have been out for AGES or one where all the films have been made and released a while ago, giving people a chance to see the endings before they're discussed.
That's why allegiant had the chapters alternating between tris and four
TRIS!!! <|3