

I am a fucking animagus, so if I hear one more comment about my name I will just lose it.

— MEOWIamacat Report User
Do any of you have interesting scars? 89 comments
meowiamacat · 7 years ago
this one time I got stung by a wasp and my whole arm swelled up and I think I still have a tiny mark on my wrist but it might've faded by now
Never underestimate cars. 6 comments
meowiamacat · 7 years ago
(If anyone's wondering the official reason, it's because of the committee that's in charge of making sure everything in the show is kid friendly and won't provide a negative influence, or as Alex Hirsch has described them, the people whose job it is to make up problems.)
Unsuspected killer 31 comments
meowiamacat · 7 years ago
Conversion therapists
Jesus nut 9 comments
meowiamacat · 7 years ago
When she says she's read the entire bible
rekt 6 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
High school musical 4 looks great
You would think since EVERY ADULT needs to know this stuff 25 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
I don't know how this is only a year old but those classes didn't prepare me for anything except for teaching me I really don't want to buy a car and that there's an amusement park in Canada that has really cheap season passes
Art created from ordinary things 2 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
"Don't ever talk to me or my son again"
That CAN'T be the origin of this word. Can it? 3 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
It's closer to "watery land" from Old English roots, actually.
Aren't all horses human? 6 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Now we've got our duck-sized horses, where are our horse-sized ducks?
If you comment, I'll describe how I see you :) 173 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
I'm intrigued, could I get one if I'm not too late?
Paperweight that holds your book open 11 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Not to mention the fact that you have to lift it up every time you turn a page. The most practical use seems to be for cookbooks or other instructional books that need to be on one page for extend periods of time.
If ur a veteran u only hit all when u log on 14 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
I haven't been to the popular page in 84 years
We must protect these guys. 12 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
~the haru pillow~
SAY IT 177 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Sleep tight pupper
I was imagining a giant bee flying around doing bee stuff 5 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
A suit made of bees
So do Ivy and Harley have a ship name or 23 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Isn't Catwoman sometimes part of the bat family?
Damn. 16 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
yikes¹⁰ tbh
Everyone with Suicide Squad 23 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Yeah the use of colloquial phrases when speaking in the ancient language kind of annoyed me, but I guess Enchantress would've picked some stuff up from just possessing Dr Moon's body and listening in on conversations, and then Diablo already was a normal guy so it wasn't TOO big of a problem for me but still
Everyone with Suicide Squad 23 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
I mean, I felt it could've been better but I did still like it. My main annoyance was how it banked on previous DC films (*SPOILER ALERT* mainly the references to Superman dying in BvS, bc who has time to watch THAT, and really threw me for a loop and took me WAY too long to remember what the hell they were talking about) which I honestly feel like it made it harder for, like, a regular ol' casual to get into it.
I'm an omnisociolaserphile onion! 55 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Genderflux is like genderfluid, but with intensity. I personally think of that one as a type of genderfluid with agender and one of the other three absolutes.
Honestly I hate all these gender posts and usually ignore them because all they want is a reaction but I'm sick of it. And hey, maybe some of them legitimately come from a place of misinformation or simply never being taught. And I hope this makes sense.
I'm an omnisociolaserphile onion! 55 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
2. I'll admit, three of those terms aren't exactly identities, per say, rather things to describe groups of people (genderqueer, trans, nonbinary).
3. Now, to specifically address "there are only two genders." The way I think of it, there are a handful of "Absolute Genders," which can be a total of 2-4 depending on how you count (Third gender, agender). I consider it 4, personally, but this can vary. So, male (man), female (woman), third gender, and agender. (For the record, I'm not including male and female in that list of 13.) Then you get some that are kind of inbetween. Demigirl/boy, for between agender and male/female. Bi/poly/pangender for people who feel like they experience more than one of these at the same time, or interchangeably. Trigender for those who identify with exactly three of the gender identities (Note: multigender identities do not have to be confined solely to the absolutes). Genderfluid if more than one applies, but not always at the same time. (cont.)
I'm an omnisociolaserphile onion! 55 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Okay, if you're trying, it's not that hard. Offhand I could list the names and definitions of at least 13 terms relating to gender, but I know I know at least 15, I just can't recall the others right now.
Now, before you go off all "BUT THERE'S ONLY TWO GENDERS HOW CAN THERE BE 13" let me break this down in the way I see it.
1. Sex (anatomy, essentially) DOES NOT EQUAL gender (identity). For example, say there is a trans woman. Because I'm not 100% how the physical transition and all the surgeries and hormones affect a person's sex and sex-related genes and diseases, let's just imagine she's pre-transition. If someone asked her, "Oh, what gender are you?" she would respond "I am a woman." However, on things like medical forms, she understands that she should probably list her sex as male, due to her being pre-transition, and, if possible, would likely make a note on the form that she is trans.
14 year olds are just hornier versions of 12 year olds 33 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
I'm only fifteen and I'm embarrassed of my fourteen year old self.
equality 13 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Perhaps they had sisters, or asked a friend who had some skirts.
equality 13 comments
meowiamacat · 8 years ago
Many school uniforms have a limit to when you're allowed to wear shorts; for example the school I went to had it from the beginning of the year to October 15, then the boys had to wear pants and the girls could wear pants or skirts (aren't gender roles gr8). We could start wearing shorts again on April 15.
I remember one year it got really hot in the middle of March and everyone just ignored the rule for a while. Eventually the teachers tried to crack down on it, and the boys' argument was exactly this: the girls can wear skirts, let us wear shorts. If I remember correctly, they still had to wear pants, but they didn't suffer too long since it was already April by then, and I'm sure they lifted the rule if it was deemed too hot for pants.