I could be really thick and everything but this just looks like it morphed into another regular three dimensional shape at the end. It was like a cube inside another cube.
It is, the 4th dimension, time, when added to a 3D cube creates a tesseract, the 4th dimension of the cube
· 10 years ago
I think the solid box is representing 3D only. Through expansion the box increases/amplifies itself, until it gets to the a set point where it envelops the 3D reality within it. Fourth dimensional reality isn't absent of our physical 3D world, it expands upon it. Basically moving past lower mind rational thinking, into higher vibe, expanded states of consciousness. Reality shifts..but within perception/consciousness. Fourth dimension moves us out of linear time and the process that comes with it, into the "space" of Now, which in reality is the only place you exist. Third dimension only contains "time", which isn't real, it's a construct of the lower mind.
Could a 2D being perceive a 3D being? If not, maybe it's the same for us? We are 3D but unable to perceive beings of higher dimensions. Spider suppose God is a higher dimension being. We'd never find period of his existence because we are physically unable to. That doesn't make him any less real though. Just a thought. I think God really does exist, just religious people are wrong about all the spiritual mumbo jumbo. There is probably a great scientific explanation of "God", we are just too basic to even begin to understand a fraction of it.
Those are really good questions/thoughts. We are not truly 3D beings. We are first nonphysical, residing within a physical body and perceiving this physical world with our physical senses. You can't physically see your mind (not brain), yet you have one, you can't physically touch your emotions, yet you feel them. The Universe is composed of various levels (dimensions) of vibrations, energy, and consciousness. Our physical world vibrates at a very low level so we can experience physicality. I don't think you'll ever find proof in a physical way, because Source/Creator/God is non-physical (pure consciousness) just as we are at our core level. I believe we are all facets, or fractals of Source experiencing a little bit of our Souls existence in this physical world.
· 10 years ago
I agree with you about religion. There is a great awakening beginning, and many are starting to open their eyes to the control, separation, manipulation, and lies that we have been programmed with. Religion teaches separation. You are born a sinner and because God wad merciful, he sacrificed his only son so you wouldn't burn in hell after your death. That is if you accept and follow the rules. I do not believe that at all. That is fear, and fear is the complete opposite and lowest vibration of love which is the highest. Pure Source/God is not comprised of these low level thoughts and energy. Believing that we are separate from God subconsciously makes you feel powerless, unworthy, and less than, rather than understanding the divine being that you truly are, that you are made of Source Energy. We are taught and encouraged to give our power away, to seek approval, help, and guidance outside of ourselves, which is why it's been so easy for humanity to be controlled.
· 10 years ago
Yikes, I didn't mean to write a book. I love talking about this stuff :)
*"period" is supposed to be "proof"
I really need to read before posting