It's true. It was a custom in India called "sati". A widow was deemed to be a burden on society because she wasn't allowed to marry again, or contribute in any way. It was considered better to die on your husbands pyre than be a burden. Britain outlawed it, and allowed widows to remarry.
I'm sorry but i don't believe #11. I mean the majority of the world lives in Africa and Asia and the majority of them are starving. Where as most obese people live in the US and Europe which consists of +- one billion, and not all of them are obese. So they should get their 'facts' straight. Anyone is welcome to comment and argue, as i wrote this off of my own knowledge and did not any research.
I thought it was easy to understand...SA is #1 in the world for obesity, you stated that most of africa is starving and you don't believe that fact, well I'm saying that it is believable due to the fact I stated above