I've heard a lot of derogatory stereotypes about Americans. I'd say on the low side of zero are about Twinkies. The closest I can come to any sort of stereotype about Twinkies are perhaps (a) Sgt. Al Powell from Die Hard and (b) the cockroach from Wall-E. I mean there's loads of misleading stereotypes about being gun toting, right wing, God loving, warmongering, creationist, obese, weak beer drinking, geographically challenged, rounders loving, NASCAR enthusiasts ... but Twinkies, not so much. (Before I get down voted to oblivion by the Americans I would like to say these are stereotypes I do not believe in because I think you're all lovely.)
They take some cream and stuff it inside some..I'm not sure what the stuff it in. But the cream is real sweet and people without strong stomachs can't eat them
Someone should make a similar version of Twinkies and by the years edit the recipe to get as close as the Twinkies taste as possible, then name them Twinkles
Sometimes I just think about America..... And become ashamed to even live near America. Which is where I live.
· 10 years ago
Since you're so ashamed of America in such a broad context, I'm assuming that you have denounced all forms of technology, literature, food, innovations, and of course technology that has come from here. Unless of course you're a cherry picker.......
*i don't judge*
Just please....>_>