This was said by Ryan Reynolds in an interview about the Deadpool movie...
"That movie is alive and kicking, and then it’s dead as a doornail. Then it’s alive and kicking and then it’s dead…it’s like the worse (sic) relationship I’ve ever had," Reynolds shared. "Everybody has a different idea as to how you’re supposed to do it, and for me, it’s been tough because it comes and goes like the tide…I never know where it is."
"That movie is alive and kicking, and then it’s dead as a doornail. Then it’s alive and kicking and then it’s dead…it’s like the worse (sic) relationship I’ve ever had," Reynolds shared. "Everybody has a different idea as to how you’re supposed to do it, and for me, it’s been tough because it comes and goes like the tide…I never know where it is."