The secret agenda of the westboro baptist church
10 years ago by izuzuzu · 1566 Likes · 13 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
Why would atheist care the about the reputation of someone they think is just a fairytale? Maybe satanists or something like that, but definetely not atheists
· 10 years ago
Why? Because a good majority of atheists need to push their ideology on the whole world to prove they're right. In that regard, they've very similar to the thing they hate, that being religion. To that end, it would behoove them to attempt to discredit theology. I could go on to draw theories that atheism could in fact be a device of satan to lead people astray - the whole concept of there is no God so God doesn't love you, you can do whatever you want to on this world with no fear of punishment, you're not special because originally you were just an ape, accusing Christians of being bad people and telling them they're not worthy of life, playing to people's vanity and pride by telling them only stupid people believe in God and they will look smart if they don't - it all bears lucifer's fingerprints.
· 10 years ago
That's a very idealistic way of looking at an atheist point of view. Your saying that all are merely being being twisted by pure evil when truly there are many terrible things "Christian" people and churchs have done. It could easily be that they are a group of atheists that want to show to this day and age how bad a large group of wrongly impassioned people can be. You have a point but that may only be for some. Others it was taught to and more thought it would makes more sense for there not to be a god altogether than for there to be a god that created these flawed beings with free will and watch as many of there lives were twist and broken by sickness and doubt. I am a Christian I believe I am loved by a creator that wants to learn about us each and as a whole. There are many different shades of definition in this world and each can only truly be seen from each point of view.
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· 10 years ago
The knights templar. Look'em up
· 10 years ago
I would choose carefully who you say is pushing their ideology on others. Most Christians are brought up by Christian parents who force their kids to go to Christian churches and tell them they are a bad person when they question anything that has to do with the Christian view. Indoctrination. Look it up.
· 10 years ago
And most atheist parents will raise their kids to believe that there is no god. Is this not the same thing? Parents will always pass on their beliefs to their children. Even those parents who claim that they will let their kids decide for themselves will influence their children's decision by the way they live. Personally I prefer religious groups spreading their beliefs over the most widely known atheists because in some way the religious groups believe they are doing something to help/save you, while well known atheists seem to take pleasure in attacking others, insulting their intelligence and beliefs.
· 10 years ago
I am an atheist and i'm nothing but respectful to other people's beliefs so you can take that "take pleasure in attacking others and bla bla bla" and shove it up your ass. And, by the way, my parents are one atheist and one christian and they both really let me choose, they didn't deny or afirm anything when they talked to me about religions and i chose not to believe just as my brother chose to do it; and i plan to do the same for my children, even if their father is an atheist too. And about religious people shoving their beliefs to their chidren, i have to say i've seen plenty of cases of that, the majority, but i've also seen childrwn choose by themselves, paths that do follow their parents or paths that don't. And seriously, from all the atheists i've known, there is not one of them that would attack religion like that just because they want to ruin the reputation of someone who doesn't even exist in their point of view.
· 10 years ago
I know that most atheist would not attack another person. That is why I made a point of saying that it was the well known atheists, as in those who are commonly seen in the media. Can you honestly tell me that you have never seen an atheist go after a religion, or a post that does the same? Honestly the very prevalence of the term "sky wizard" shows that existence of the view that those with religious beliefs are less intelligent. As for children I am glad you had the opportunity to see both points of view but in reality that does not often happen. Most children will follow the beliefs of their parents if for no other reason then it will be the norm for them growing up and we as humans do not enjoy going outside of our comfort zone. Can you honestly say that a kid growing being told there is no god is any different then a kid growing being told there is one?
· 10 years ago
I seriously don't think atheists tell their children there is no god. I think they just don't say a thing and let them figure it out as they grow up and are able to do some research for themselves
· 10 years ago
But even if they do not outright say to their kids "Hey, heads up, that god thing some of you friends are talking about, it doesn't exist."(Yes that was a joke, no I don't think they actually say that) their actions will show their beliefs. Kids in general are extremely perceptive and will pick up on certain behaviors.
· 10 years ago
Or it's just a bunch of stupid Christians?
· 10 years ago
What if they are not christians, or atheists, or people...
Edited 10 years ago
· 7 years ago