I would press it so i could go to my fav.fantasy world and become their leader after i killed their king and display his head outside of the castle for all to see.
i dont even care if my sex changes. i dont even care if i'll lose both legs in the process. i just want to live in middle earth or hogwarts or the TARDIS
I'll definitely be gay, but that doesn't matter because that's okay, and i won't have to deal with that time of month :) Bye guys, cya in a fictional universe :)
HE FOUND A LOOP HOLE. .... if you press it once you could go to a not preferred fictional world and be the opposite gender, but then press it again and go to your preferred world you will be your original gender.
I would love to be female!!! So much better then having a dick! Plus its alot easier to find/get/ make sex toys and just be ultra sexy!!!!! <3 ya ladies!!!!!!