Short shorts, leather seat, black car, been at the mall all day, car in direct sunlight, live in Australia.
- plus the friggin' mutant spiders and shit.
I had my Left leg amputated in 2007 from a 16-wheeler accidently rolling over and smashing all my bone, muscle, everything, while I was checking the underside of the truck as we had hit something hard on the under side, and I had went under to check it. Unfortunately for me, I had forgot to shift into the parking break, losing my leg. I still remember the intense pain, asthough some one had just shot through entire my entire leg with a .50 Cal... Several times over. I had to duck and cover my head to advoid smooshing that aswell, And luckliy survived. I still remember looking at my leg, now pumping blood out from shards of bone that had had peirced the skin, my manglled leg which barely had any form left to it, And Thats the moment I knew I'd never have that leg anymore.
Middle east, mid day, black car, black leather seats, 53-55C(as it was, today), windows all closed. Try that. went grocery shopping last night and i forgot the eggs on the back seat. went to get them today morning cause i wanted to cook breakfast and found them all hard as if they were boiled :)
Uhh... As a gal from Texas, allow me bestow a trick for you to avoid that pain during your hottest days; Click it in. No seriously, whenever you are about to leave the car, click it back in and it won't be as hot as it was exposed.
- plus the friggin' mutant spiders and shit.